Sunday, February 11, 2018

Do thay teach the truth all religions ?


Do they teach the truth all the religions?

1. What religions are practised in Africa?

IN AFRICA, almost the whole world coincides with that is important to adore God. Nevertheless, the people do not put in agreement as for the correct way of doing it. Some go to the mosque, others to some traditional sanctuary, and others to the church. But it would be a mistake to think that in Africa there are only three religions. For example, between(among) the Muslims there are many laws and different beliefs. In addition, the traditional religion changes very much to and from. And between(among) the churches that they affirm to be Christian, the lack(mistake) of unit is still major. Apart from the principal religions, in Africa there are thousands of independent churches.

Our religion must be based on the truth on what does it(he,she) depend the fact that a person practises certain religion? What factors do not they prove(try) for yes alone that our religion pleases God?

2 why do people adore God of so different ways? The majority of the persons inherit the religion that his(her,your) parents had. In addition, the events of the past also influence the religion that today the people practise. The book The Africans - To Triple Heritage (The Africans: triple inheritance(heredity)) says: " The Islam spread to the north of the Sahara by means of the war, [...] the christianity spread to the south of the Sahara in the same way(alike). If to the north of the Sahara the Islam propagated by means of the sword, in the southern part the christianity propagated by means of the gun ". Almost all of us think that our religion pleases God. But a religion is not correct only because our parents have practised it or because another country her(it) has been imposed on our forbears.

What example does it(he,she) help us to see that not all the religions teach(show) the truth?

3 Though all the religions affirm that they offer reliable guide as for serving God, his(her,your) ideas are very different. Very different educations have with regard to whom he is A God and for what he(it) expects from us. Think about the following thing: suppose that it(he,she) obtains an employment in a great company. In his(her,your) first day of work, the chief is out, so you ask three employees what you must do. The first one says to him(her) that the chief wants that it(he,she) puts to sweep the soil; the second one says to him(her) that it(he,she) should paint the building, and the third party, which must distribute the mail.

4 Then you ask them how he is the chief. The first one says to him(her) that he is a high man, young woman(person) and very strictly. The second one affirms that it(he,she) is bajito, of advanced and nice age. The third party says to him(her) that the chief is not a man, but a woman. Surely, you are going to come to the conclusion from that someone him(her) does not tell the truth. If it(he,she) wants to preserve his(her,your) new employment, probably it(he,she) will try to verify the one who is actually(indeed) his(her,your) chief and for what it(he,she) expects from you.

5 The same thing happens with the religion. Since there are so many ideas as for whom he is A God and what he(she) asks of us, we have to make sure that our way of adoring him should agree with the truth. Now then, how we can verify the truth does it(he,she) bring over of God?

It must not mix Jah to is wars


Exodus 20:1-25

20 And God proceeded to speak all these words, * saying: + 2 " I am Jehová your God, * + that I you have extracted of the land of Egypt, of the slaves' house. + 3 you must not have other gods * + against my face *
4 " you must do to you either a carved image nor a form similar to any thing that is in the skies above(up) or that is in the land below or that is in the waters under the land. + 5 you must neither incline yourself before them them nor to be induced to serve, * + because I Jehová your God am a God who demands exclusive devotion, * + that brings punishment for the mistake of parents on children, on the third generation and on the fourth generation, * in case of those who hate me; + 6 but that exercises kindness amorosa* for with the thousandth one generación* in case of those who me love and guard my mandamientos. * +
7 " you do not owe tomar* Jehová's name your God of an unworthy way, * + because Jehová will not leave without punishment the one that takes his(her,your) name of an unworthy way. +
8 " Acordándo [you] * of the Saturday day to have it sacred, + 9 six days you have to be big enough servicio* and have to do all your work. + 10 But the seventh day is one sábado* to Jehová your God. + you must do any work, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, (nor) your slave, nor your slave, nor your domestic animal, nor your foreign resident who is inside your doors. + 11 Because in six days it(he,she) made Jehová the skies and the land, the sea and everything what exists in them, + and proceeded to descansar* on the seventh day. + Because of it Jehová blessed on Saturday day and proceeded to do it sagrado. * +
12 " Honra* to your father and to your mother + in order that your days turn out to be long on the soil that Jehová your God gives you. +
13 " you have not to asesinar. * +
14 " you must not commit adulterio. * +
15 " you have not to hurtar. * +
16 " you must not give testimony falsely as witness against your semejante. * +
17 " you do not owe desear* the house of your similar one. You must wish the wife + either of your similar one, nor his(her,your) slave, nor his(her,your) slave, nor his(her,your) bull, nor his(her,your) jackass, nor any thing that belongs(concerns) to your similar one ". * +
18 Now then, the whole people(village) was viendo* the thunders and the lightnings and the sound of the horn and the mountain that was smoking. When the people(village) managed to see it, then they trembled and were kept to certain distance. + 19 And they started saying to Moses: " He(She) Speaks you with us, and we should listen; but God does not speak with us, for dread of that we die ". + 20 So Moses said to the people(village): " do not be afraid, because in order to test them + the [real] God has come, and in order that the dread of he(it) should continue in front of the face of you in order that they do not sin ". + 21 And the people(village) remained to some distance, but Moses approached the dark mass of clouds where the [real] God was. +
22 And Jehová happened(passed) to say to Moses: + " This is what you have to say to the children of Israel: ' You themselves have seen that was from the skies from where I spoke with you. + 23 must not do near with me dioses* of silver, and golden gods must not do for you. +24 An altar of land + you have to do me, and have to sacrifice on him(it) your burnt offerings and your sacrifices of communion, * your flock(herd) and your herd of cows. + In any place where I make remember(remind) my name, I will come to you and certainly I will bless you. + 25 And if you do an altar of stones to me, you must not build them as carved(tooled) stones. In case really soft(smooth) your chisel on him(it), at the time you will profane it

How we can know the truth does it bring over of God ?


How we can know the truth does it bring over of God?

What example does help to see the need to have a norm to decide about religious matter? HOW can we know God? Is it necessary to examine all the educations of many religions that exist? It(he,she) would be impossible. And even if we were achieving it, how would you know what educations are real? 2 In view of all the concepts that exist it(he,she) brings over of God, it is clear that we need something that indicates us what is true, a norm that the whole people agree. Let's put an example: let's suppose that a discussion arises on the market on the length of a fabric. The seller assures that it(he,she) has three meters, but it seems to the buyer that it(she) is more short. How can disagreement be solved? Measuring the fabric with a meter(underground). Why did one write the Bible? 3 does some meter(underground) exist, that is to say, some rule, which helps us to decide about religious matter? Yes, Holy inspired writings. God did that he(she) was writing himself(herself) in order that everywhere the people could learn the truth it(he,she) brings over of him(it). There have been printed thousands of million copies(specimens) of the Bible, and it has been translated, in its entirety or partly, into more than two thousand hundred languages. Practically the whole world can read the truth brings over of God in his(her,your) own(proper) language. What information does contain the Holy writings, (Bible)? 4 Holy inspired writings it is a God's valuable gift. It(he,she) explains matters that we would not know differently. For example, he(she) speaks about the beings who live(inhabit) in the world of the spirits. It(he,she) reveals the God's thoughts, his(her,your) personality and his(her,your) intention. It(he,she) reports the relation that has had with the people during thousands of years. He(she) speaks about events that will take place in the future. And it(he,she) shows how to find the way to the eternal life. Why we can believe in the Bible What example does it(he,she) indicate that the Holy inspired writings it(he,she) agrees with the science? 5 There are many reasons for which we can think that the Bible is indeed the God's Word. One of them is that it(he,she) agrees with the science. For example, former the people were thinking that the Earth was supporting on something. In western Africa one was thinking that the Earth was supported on a screwed on serpent, with 3.500 rings over the Earth and other 3.500 for below. Nevertheless, a Biblical writer wrote it(he,she) does more than three thousand five hundred years that God is " hanging the land on nothing ", and this also it says the science (Job 26:7). Which is the firmest test(proof) that the Bible comes from God? 6 The firmest test(proof) that the Holy inspired writings (Bible) really it(he,she) comes from God is the fulfillment of his(her,your) predictions, a fulfillment that never fails. God belongs different from the human beings who affirm to know what is going to happen(pass); he(it) yes knows the future, and because of it what he(she) says is fulfilled always Which are some Biblical prophecies that were fulfilled in the past? 7 In the antiquity(antique) there were fulfilled hundreds of Biblical prophecies. For example, with seven hundred years of anticipation, the Bible predicted with accuracy that Jesus would be born in the people(village) of Bethlehem, and this way it happened (Miqueas 5:2; Mateo 2:3-9). Between(among) many other prophecies it(he,she) brings over of Jesus, the Bible also predicted that it(he,she) would be born of a virgin and that she would be betrayed by thirty pieces of silver. The above mentioned prophecies also were fulfilled. It is clear that no human being might have done these predictions (Isaías 7:14; Zacarías 11:12, 13; Mateo 1:22, 23; 27:3-5). What Biblical prophecies are fulfilled at present, and what do they demonstrate? 8 There are many Biblical prophecies that are fulfilled in our time. Here there appear some of them: ? " It(He,She) will get up [in war] nation against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be big earthquakes, and in a place after other one pests and food shortages. " (Lucas 21:10, 11.) ? There would be a " increase of the outrage " (Mateo 24:12). ? " In the last days [...] the men will be loving of yes same, lovers of the money, [...] disobedient to the parents, [...] without self-control, ferocious, without love of the good, [...] swelled of pride, lovers of pleasures rather that loving of God. " (2 Timoteo 3:1-5.) Does not it seem to him(her) that in our time these things happen? The veracity and the accuracy of the Biblical prophecies show that the Bible is not a common and current book. It is the Word inspired of God (2 Timoteo 3:16). Has Bible been changed? How do we know that God has not allowed that the men should change the Bible? 9 Imagine that you are the owner of a factory and that it(he,she) has put a list of procedure for his(her,your) employees. What would it(he,she) do if an enemy was changing what you have written? Would not he(she) correct what had changed? Since God does not allow either that the people should change the truth of his(her,your) Word, the Bible. 10 Those who have tried to change the educations of the God's Word have not achieved it. On having compared the Bible that we have today with ancient copies of her(it), one sees that they are equal. It shows that it has not been changed by the passage of time. Is oral tradition reliable? The traditional African religion has not sacred ancient books. The traditions, the rites and the ideas it(he,she) brings over of God they pass from a generation to other one across the spoken word. The book West African Traditional Religion (The traditional religion of western Africa) affirms: " The oral information is not the best way of transmitting exact information. The statements that are transmitted orally often suffer changes: there are things that are added, they remove themselves, are modified, are distorted, are exaggerated or get confused with others; because of it it(he) is in the habit of being complicated separating the reality of the fiction ".

An important history.



    An important history
    La Biblia es diferente de los demás textos religiosos. Ha influido como ningún otro en las creencias de millones de personas durante miles de años. Pero, a la vez, no hay otro libro que haya sido objeto de tanto examen ni provocado tanta crítica como la Biblia.

    Por ejemplo, algunos expertos dudan de que las Biblias actuales sean copias confiables de los textos originales. “Ni siquiera estamos seguros de haber conseguido reconstruir el texto original con exactitud”, dijo un experto en estudios religiosos. Y añadió: “Solo tenemos copias plagadas de errores; la enorme mayoría de ellas se hicieron siglos después de los originales y, al parecer, difieren de ellos en miles de maneras”.

    Otras personas dudan de la autenticidad de la Biblia debido a sus antecedentes religiosos. Faizal, por ejemplo, se crió en una familia no cristiana. Le enseñaron que la Biblia es un libro sagrado, pero que el texto había sido modificado. “El resultado fue que desconfiaba de las personas que querían hablarme de la Biblia —comenta Faizal—. A fin de cuentas, no tenían la Biblia original; había sido cambiada”.

    Pero ¿importa si la Biblia ha cambiado? Piense en lo siguiente: la Biblia contiene hermosas promesas para el futuro. Si dudara de que esas promesas estuvieran en el texto original, ¿confiaría en ellas? (Romanos 15:4). Si las Biblias actuales fueran copias defectuosas, ¿usaría los principios bíblicos para tomar decisiones importantes sobre su empleo, su familia o hasta su adoración a Dios?

    Aunque los escritos originales de la Biblia han desaparecido, podemos consultar copias antiguas, lo que incluye miles de manuscritos. ¿Cómo ha sobrevivido la Biblia al deterioro de los materiales, a la oposición y a los intentos de manipular el texto? ¿Por qué conocer esto puede hacer que usted confíe en las Biblias de hoy? Analice las respuestas que se dan a estas preguntas en la siguiente historia de supervivencia.
    The Bible is different from other religious texts. It(he,she) has influenced like no(any) other the beliefs of million persons during thousands of years. But, simultaneously, there is no another book that has been an object of so much(many) examination not provoked so many critique as the Bible.

    For example, some experts doubt that the current Bibles are reliable copies of the original texts. " We are not even sure of having managed to reconstruct the original text with accuracy ", said an expert in religious studies. And it(he,she) added: " Only we have copies riddled with mistakes; the enormous majority of they they were done some centuries after the original ones and, apparently, they differ from them in thousands of ways ".

    Other persons doubt the genuineness of the Bible due to his(her,your) religious precedents. Faizal, for example, grew up in a family it(he,she) does not christen. They taught(showed) him(her) that the Bible is a sacred book, but that the text had been modified. " The result was that he(she) was distrusting the persons who wanted to speak to me about the Bible - comments Faizal-. Ultimately, they did not have the original Bible; it had been changed ".

    But does it(he,she) matter if the Bible has changed? Think about the following thing: the Bible contains beautiful promises for the future. If he(she) was doubting that these promises were in the original text, would he(she) trust in them? (Romans 15:4). If the current Bibles were defective copies, would it(he,she) use the Biblical beginning(principles) to take important decisions on his(her,your) employment, his(her,your) family or up to his(her,your) adoration to God?

    Though the original writings of the Bible have disappeared, we can consult ancient copies, which includes thousands of manuscripts. How has it(he,she) survived the Bible to the deterioration of the materials, to the opposition(examination) and to the attempts of manipulating the text? Why can to know this do that you trust in the Today bibles? Analyze the answers that are given to these questions in the following history of survival.

    The Bible survived the deterioration...

    THE ASSAULT. The writers and copyists of the Bible wrote in papyrus and parchment (2 Timoteo 4:13). * in what sense did these materials put in danger the survival of the Bible?
    The papyrus becomes fragile, gets bleached and weakens easily. " With the time, a leaf(sheet) gets worn out up to turning into a skeleton of fibers and a handful of powder - there mention the Egyptologists Richard Parkinson and Stephen Quirke-. While it is guarded, a roll can cover of mildew and to rot for the dampness, and when it(he) is buried can finish devoured by rodents and insects, specially the white ant ". After being overdrafts, some papyruses were exposed to too many light or dampness, and it accelerated his(her,your) deterioration.

    The parchment is more resistant than the papyrus, but also it(he,she) deteriorates if it(he,she) is not manipulated correctly or if it is exposed to excessive temperature, dampness or light. * Also it(he) is attacked by the insects. For this reason, the work Everyday Writing in the Graeco-Roman East (The daily writing in the Greco-Roman East) says with relation to the ancient records that " the survival is the exception and the rule ". If the Bible had suffered this deterioration, his(her,your) message would have got lost.

    HOW IT(HE,SHE) SURVIVED THE BIBLE. The Law that was given to the Israelites was ordering that all the kings of Israel should write " for yes in a book a copy of this law ", the first five books of the Bible (Deuteronomy 17:18). In addition, the professional copyists did so many manuscripts that by the ends of the first century could be copies of the Writings in the synagogues of the whole Israel and up to in the distant Macedonia (Lucas 4:16, 17; Facts 17:11). How there have survived until the day of today some of those manuscript old men?

    1. A jar of mud; 2. Fragment of one of the Dead Sea scrolls
    The manuscripts known as Dead Sea scrolls survived for centuries in jars of mud stored in caves of an arid region.
    One of the caves where some Biblical manuscripts were situated
    " It was known that the Jews were guarding the rolls of the Writings in amphorae or jars of mud in order to preserve them ", comments the expert in the New Testament Philip Comfort. And the Christians followed(continued) the same custom. This one is the reason for which some manuscripts of the Bible have revealed themselves in jars of mud, in dark rooms, in caves, as well as in very dry regions.

    THE RESULT. Thousands of fragments of manuscripts of the Bible - some of them of more than two thousand years of antiquity(antique) - have survived to the present day. No ancient text has so many manuscripts and that date back to so much time.

    The Bible survived the opposition(examination)

    THE ASSAULT. Many political and religious leaders looked for aims(lenses) opposite to the message of the Bible. Often, many(many people) used of his(her,your) authority to prevent the persons from possessing, they were producing or translating the Writings. Let's see two examples:
    About the year 167 before our age, the king of the dynasty seléucida Antiochus Epífanes ordered(arranged) to destroy all the copies of the Hebrew Writings because it(he,she) wanted to impose the Greek religion on the Jews. His(her,your) civil servants " did pieces and burned the rolls of the Law there where they were finding them - there wrote the historian Heinrich Graetz-, and they killed those who were finding reading them in search of strength(fortress) and consolation ".
    In the Middle Ages, it was bothering some religious leaders that the laymen were preaching what the Bible teaches(shows) instead of the catholic dogmas. Were accusing from heretic to any layman who had Biblical books with the exception of the Psalms in Latin. Certain ecclesiastic council ordered that in every parish some men should make the following thing: " Look with diligence, loyalty and frequency for the heretics [...] in all the houses and underground chambers(cameras) that are under suspicion. [...] The house in which a heretic is is destroyed ".
    If the enemies of the Bible had managed to finish with her(it), his(her,your) message would have got lost.

    A page of the Bible in English of William Tyndale
    The translation of the Bible to the English of William Tyndale survived a prohibition, the burning copy(specimen) and the execution of the own(proper) Tyndale in 1536.
    HOW IT(HE,SHE) SURVIVED THE BIBLIA.El king Antiochus centred his(her,your) assaults on Israel. Nevertheless, the Jews had established communities in other nations. The experts calculate that, for the first century, more than 60 % of the Jews was living out of Israel. In his(her,your) synagogues copies of the Writings were preserving; the same copies that the following generations used, included also the Christians (Facts 15:21).

    In the Middle Ages, those who loved the Bible continued translating and copying the Writings in spite of the pursuit. Before there was invented the press of mobile types in the middle of the century fifteen, apparently already there were available portions of the Bible in nothing more and nothing less than 33 languages. From there, the Bible was translated and stamped on a speed without precedents.

    THE RESULT. In spite of the threats of powerful kings and wrong clergymen, the Bible is the book most spread and more translated from the whole history. It(he,she) has influenced the laws and the languages of many countries, as well as the life of million persons.


The Bible survived the attempts of altering his(her,your) message JESUS GAVE TO ME EVERYTHING... THE PROPHÈTA PROPHÈTAS, KING DE GIVES L0S KINGS, THAT ONE THAT THE WHOLE HUMANITY OWES OBEDIENCE! A Biblical copyist doing his(her,your) work The masoretas copied carefully the Writings. THE ASSAULT. Neither the deterioration of the materials nor the assaults of the opponents they could finish with the Bible. But there have been copyists and translators who have tried to change the message of the Bible in order that he(she) adapts to his(her,your) doctrines, instead of adapting his(her,your) doctrines to what he(she) says the Bible. Analyze the following examples: The place of adoration. Between the centuries fourth and the second before our age, the writers of the Pentateuco Samaritano inserted after Exodus 20:17 the words " in the Mount Guerizim. And you will construct there an altar ". Thus, the Samaritans wanted to do that the Writings were supporting his(her,your) construction of a temple there same, in the Mount Guerizim. The doctrine of the Trinidad. Scarcely three hundred years had happened(passed) since the Bible had been completed, when a writer trinitario added to 1 Juan 5:7 the words " in the sky: the Father, the Verb and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one ". This affirmation was not appearing in the original text. According to the biblista Bruce Metzger, " from the sixth century in forward, [these words] are with more and more frequency in manuscripts of the Latin Version Antigua and of the Latin Vulgata ". The God's name. Being based on a Jewish superstition, many translators of the Bible decided to eliminate the divine name of the Writings. They replaced it with titles(degrees) as God oSeñor, expressions that in the Bible are used not only to refer to the Creator but also to men, to objects of false adoration and up to(even) to the Devil (Juan 10:34, 35; 1 Corinthians 8:5, 6; 2 Corinthians 4:4). * HOW IT(HE,SHE) SURVIVED THE BIBLE. Let's speak about the first factor. Though some Biblical copyists were neglected and up to(even) dishonest, many(many people) others were very skilful and meticulous. Between the centuries sixth and tenth, the masoretas copied the Hebrew Writings and created what is known as text masorético. It is said that they were counting(telling) the words and the letters to prevent them inadvertently from interfering mistakes. When it seemed to them that the text of which they were copying was containing some mistake, they were doing an annotation in the margin of the copy. The masoretas refused to alter the Biblical text. According to the teacher Moshe Goshen-Gottstein, for the masoretas, to modify intentionally the original text " was constituting, from his(her,your) point of view, the worst imaginable crime ". The second factor is that the great quantity of manuscripts that today there are the available ones helps the biblistas to detect the mistakes. For centuries, the religious leaders taught(showed) that his(her,your) versions in Latin were containing the authentic text of the Bible. Because of it they added to 1 Juan 5:7 the spurious phrase to which already we have referred in this article. This mistake up to(even) got in the prestigious translation to the Spanish Reina-Valera And from other translations they have withdrawn the incorrect phrase. Papyrus Chester Beatty P46, Biblical manuscript that dates back approximately of the year 200 of our age Papyrus Chester Beatty P46, Biblical manuscript that dates back approximately of the year 200 of our age. Do they demonstrate the manuscripts more ancient that the message of the Bible has preserved? When in 1947 the Dead Sea scrolls were situated, the scholars finally could compare the text masorético Hebrew what was appearing in these Biblical rolls thousand more ancient years. A member of the publishing equipment(team) of the Dead Sea scrolls came to the conclusion from that a roll " offers irrefutable proof that the transmission of the Biblical text throughout more than thousand years to hands of the Jewish copyists was extremely faithful and taken care ". The Library Chester Beatty of Dublin (Ireland) possesses(relies on) a collection of papyruses of almost all the books of the Greek Christian Writings, which includes some manuscripts that date back of the second century, you upset hundred years after the Bible was completed. " Though the papyruses offer abundant new information about details of the text - comments The Anchor Bible Dictionary-, also it(he,she) demonstrates an excellent stability in the transmission of the Biblical text along the history ". " It can be said with complete certainty that no other work of the antiquity(antique) has been transmitted by so many accuracy " THE RESULT. Instead of corromper the text of the Bible, the great quantity of manuscripts and the antiquity(antique) of these they have made it more valuable. " No other ancient book has so early and abundant testimonies - Sir Frederic Kenyon wrote-, and no impartial expert would deny that the text that has come to the present day is extremely trustworthy ". As for the Hebrew Writings, the scholar William Henry Green affirmed: " it can be said with complete certainty that no other work of the antiquity(antique) has been transmitted by so many accuracy ".

The Syrian manuscripts: a look to the first Biblical translations


The Syrian manuscripts: a look to the first Biblical translations

The Sinaítico Siríaco. In the margin it(he,she) can the text of the Gospels turns almost erased(smeared)
In fact, two were discovered. The first one of these most valuable manuscripts is of the 5th century
In 1892, the twin sisters Agnes Smith Lewis and Margaret Dunlop Gibson crossed the desert in camel to come to the monastery of Holy Catalina, to the feet of the mount Sinai. The trip lasted nine days. Why did two women of almost 50 years decide to do similar voyage in an epoch in which to travel for the Middle East was so dangerous? The response will help him(her) to strengthen his(her,your) confidence in the accuracy of the Bible.
Agnes Smith Lewis and the monastery of Holy Catalina
Agnes Smith Lewis and the monastery of Holy Catalina
JUST BEFORE returning to the sky, Jesus ordered his(her,your) disciples to speak about him(it) " in Jerusalem [...,] in the whole Judea, and in Samaria, and up to the most distant part of the land " (Facts 1:8). The disciples of Jesus took very seriously his(her,your) commission and effected(carried out) it with value. Nevertheless, in Jerusalem they were chased(prosecuted) and up to(even) there was executed one of them, Esteban. Many people fled to one of the biggest cities of the Roman Empire: Antioch (Syria), which was placed to approximately 550 kilometres (350 miles) to the north of Jerusalem (Facts 11:19).

In Antioch, the Christians continued speaking about Jesus and not beans to themselves made a good number of persons believers (Facts 11:20, 21). Though in this city Greek was speaking himself(herself), in the rest of Syria the people were speaking Syrian.
In the 2nd century there grew so much the Christians' quantity of Syrian speech that was necessary to translate the Writings into this language. This way so(then), it seems that the first language into which there were translated some fragments of the Greek Christian Writings was not the Latin, but the Syrian one.

Near the year 170, the Syrian writer Taciano (c.120-c.173) combined in an alone statement four Gospels that were accepted like inspired. His(her,your) statement managed to be known as the Diatesarón, Greek word that it(he,she) means " For four [gospels] ", and apparently it was written in Greek or Syrian. In the 4th century, Efrén of Syria (c.310-c.373) wrote a comment on the Diatesarón, which confirms that the Syrian Christians were acquainted well with the above mentioned work.

Why is Diatesarón so important nowadays? Well, in the 19th century some biblistas were saying that the Gospels could not be authentic, since according to them they wrote each other in the 2nd century, between the years 130 and 170, much after Jesus' death. Nevertheless, the manuscripts of the Diatesarón that have been situated since then have demonstrated that for this epoch Mateo's books, Frames, Lucas and Juan already were very acquaintances. So that they had be to write before. The Diatesaróntambién demonstrated that the apocryphal gospels were not considered to be reliable, since Taciano prefirió to base his(her,your) work on four Gospels.

Syrian Peshitta of the Pentateuco
The Syrian Peshitta of the Pentateuco, of the year 464, is the most ancient second dated manuscript of the Biblical text
By the beginning of the 5th century, in all the north of Mesopotamia a translation of the Bible was used in Syrian. It is probable that was realized between the IInd and IIIrd century. There had all the books of the Bible except 2 Pedro, 2 and 3 Juan, Judas and Revelation (Apocalypse). This version knows like laPeshitta, that it(he,she) means "simple" or "clear", and is one of the most ancient and important examples of how the Biblical text was transmitted in that epoch.

It is necessary to notice that one of the manuscripts of the Peshitta has written down a date that corresponds(fits) to the years 459 or 460, which it turns into the Biblical manuscript the most ancient dating. About 508 a review of the Peshitta was done and there were included five books that he(she) was lacking. This version managed to be known as the Version Filoxeniana.

Up to the 19th century, almost all the Greek texts known about the Greek Christian Writings were of the 5th century or later(posterior). For this reason, the biblistas were specially interested in versions as ancient as the Latin Vulgata and the Syrian Peshitta. In those days, some of them were thinking that the Peshitta was the review of the most ancient Syrian manuscript, but they did not know of which. The finding of this manuscript would be of incalculable value for the biblistas, since it(he,she) would allow them to understand(include) better how the first translations of the Bible were realized to the Syrian one, which since(as) we saw they began in the 2nd century. But really did this manuscript existed? Would they find it?

The Sinaítico Siríaco. In the margin it(he,she) can the text of the Gospels turns almost erased(smeared) clear that yes! In fact, two were discovered. The first one of these most valuable manuscripts is of the 5th century. It(he,she) was between(among) a great number of manuscripts in Syrian that the British Museum had bought him in 1842 to a monastery of Nitria's desert (Egypt). There was called he the Syrian Curetoniano because it was discovered and published by William Cureton, assistant(attendee) of the conservative of manuscripts of the museum. It(he,she) was containing four Gospels in the following order: Mateo, Frames, Juan and Lucas.

The second manuscript that has survived to the present day is the Sinaítico Siríaco, and his(her,your) discovery is related to the history of the twins that opens this article. Agnes did not have university degree, but it(he,she) knew eight languages, between(among) them the Syrian one. In 1892 it(he,she) discovered something amazing in the monastery of Holy Catalina in Egypt.

In a dark cupboard it(he,she) found a Syrian manuscript. She itself said that " she(it) itself had very bad(wrong) appearance; it(he) was very dirty and the pages were almost stuck, since it(he) had not been opened " in centuries. There was treating itself about a palimpsest, that is to say, a manuscript to which the original text resigns to write other one it(he,she) raises. * In this case, the text of above was in Syrian and was speaking about holy women. Pero Agnes managed to see in the top part of the pages some words of the original text, between(among) them the phrases " of Mateo ", " of Frames " and " of Lucas ". What had in the hands was a Syrian almost complete codex of the Gospels. The biblistas think that it was written at the end of the 4th century.

The Sinaítico Siríaco is one of the most important Biblical manuscripts that have been situated, together with Greek manuscripts as the Codex Sinaítico and the Codex Vatican. One thinks that both the Syrian Curetoniano and the Sinaítico Siríaco are copies of the former Gospels in Syrian of ends of the 2nd century or beginning of the IIIrd.
THE GOD'S WORD WILL LAST FOREVER there can help these manuscripts to whom they study the Bible today? Certainly. Let's take for example the so called long conclusion of Marcos's Gospel, which in some Bibles one finds after Frames 16:8. Though documents like the Alexandrine Codex of the 5th century and the Latin Vulgata include it, two of the most respected Greek manuscripts - the Codex Sinaítico and the Codex Vatican - only come up to Frames 16:8. The Sinaítico Siríaco does not have the long conclusion either, one tries more that it is not a part(report) of Marcos's Gospel, but it was added later.

Let's see another example. In the 19th century, almost all the Biblical translations were adding in 1 Juan 5:7 a phrase that supports the Trinidad. Nevertheless, the phrase appears neither in the most ancient Greek nor manuscripts either in the Peshitta. This demonstrates that it was a question of an alteration to the original text of the Bible.

There is no doubt that Jah-Allah has protected the Holy Writings, as it(he,she) promised. In the own(proper) Bible we find this guarantee: " The green grass(herb) has dried off, the flower has faded up; but as for the word of our God, it(he,she) will last up to indefinite time " (Isaías 40:8; 1 Pedro 1:25). The former Syrian manuscripts have recovered(played) a modest but important paper(role) in transmitting with accuracy the message of the Bible.
What is the Syrian one?
Map of the region of Antioch and Jerusalem, where one was speaking Syrian
It is a question of a dialect of the Aramaic, one of the official languages of the Persian Empire. One was speaking in the north of Mesopotamia and in the surroundings of the former Antioch, where many people became Christians in the 1st century. The Syrian writing became common in the 2nd century or the IIIrd.

Our Father.



The prayer: on what praying?

OF ALL the Christian prayers, many(many people) they consider that most repeated it is the one that Jesus taught(showed): the our father. And, nevertheless, it is also of the least included(understood). Million persons repeat of continuous day after day - often frequency several times a day - without thinking what it implies, but Jesus the prophet of the prophets never wanted that they were making it like that. Why are we so sure of it?

Because, just before teaching(showing) her, he itself said: " On having prayed, do not say the same things repeatedly " (Mateo 6:7). Jesus the Archangel was not going to be contradicted teaching(showing) later a prayer that had to be memorized and word to repeat itself for word. What Jesus the first creation of Jah-Allah wanted to teach(show) was which had to be the priority topics on having prayed. This way so(then), let's analyze in detail this model of prayer, who appears in Mateo 6:9-13.
" Our father that you are in the skies, sanctified is your name. "(Jehovah)
To begin, Jesus remembers his disciples that the prayer must go only to his Father, Jehovah. But why does he say later that his name has to be sanctified?

Because, already from the beginning of the history, the God's name has been an object of calumnies. His major enemy, Satanás, holds that Jehovah is a liar and an egoist and that it does not have right to govern to his creatures (Genesis 3:1-6). Those who have put of his side teach(show) that God is insensitive, cruel and vindictive or, worse still(yet), they deny that it should have created all the things. Some of them even have removed the divine name of the Bible and have prohibited to use it.

Nevertheless, the Writings promise that God will finish with all that (Ezekiel 39:7). And when it does it, also it will take charge solving the problems of the human being. How will it do it? Jesus explains it rightly later.

" It avenges your kingdom. "
Today, the religious teachers do not put in agreement on what it is the God's Kingdom. The same thing was not happening(passing) in times of Jesus. The Jewish people(village) knew well the former prophecies that they were speaking about a Messiah - the Salvador chosen by God - who would direct a government that would change the world (Isaías 9:6, 7; Daniel 2:44). It will be this divine government the one that, to sanctify Jehovah's name, extracts to the light the satanic lies, demolish the Devil and put end(purpose) to all his works. Among other things, it will finish with the war, the disease, the hunger and the same death (Psalm 46:9; 72:12-16; Isaías 25:8; 33:24). So that whenever we ask God his Kingdom to come, we are asking that these promises should be fulfilled.
"carry out  your will, since(as,like) in the sky, also on the land. "
These words guarantee that the God's will will be fulfilled in the Earth, as already it was fulfilled in the skies - the God's mansion - when his first creation defeated Satan and his army and threw(added) them to the Earth (Revelation [Apocalypse] 12:9-12). This request, as both previous ones, us remembers(reminds) the importance of centering in the God's will, and not ours. In the end, he(she) benefits nothing so much to the whole creation like that the divine will is done. Up to the own(proper) Jesus, though it(he) was perfect, he said: " my will should not be effected(carried out), but yours " (Lucas 22:42).

" Give us today our bread. "
Jesus the prophet of prophets also indicated that some of our requests can be more personal. Since we see, there is nothing of villain in praying in order that God helps us to satisfy our daily needs. In fact, on having done it, we are admitting that Jehovah is the one who " gives to every person life and breath and all the things " (Facts 17:25). The Bible it compares to an affectionate father who enjoys granting to his children what they need. Clear it is, for much that they ask for it, it will never give them anything that puts in danger his well-being.
" Excuse our debts to us. " What debt have we with Jehovah? And why do we need that he excuses her to us? Though many people deny his(her,your) existence or minimize his(her,your) gravity, the sin is - as it makes clear the Bible - the origin of our worse problems, between(among) them the death. And since(as,like) we are born sinful, commit mistakes that offend God. This way so(then), if we want to live eternally, it is indispensable that God excuses to us this debt (Romans 3:23; 5:12; 6:23). But the Bible also us remembers that Jehovah is good and is ready to excuse ourselves (Psalm 86:5).

" Free us of the wicked one. "
The human beings we need urgently and desperate the divine protection. Probably many(many people) refuse to believe in the existence of the "wicked one", that is to say, Satan. Nevertheless, for Jesus it was very royal(real); of fact, it was called by " the leader of this world " (Juan 12:31; 16:11). I do not satisfy with corromper and to handle to his whim this world, the Devil also loves infect us us and this way to prevent that we cultivate a narrow relation with our Father, Jehovah (1 Pedro 5:8). But we do not have reasons to be afraid of it, since God is much stronger and wants to protect those who love it.

Certainly, there are many other topics on which we him can pray to God. In 1 Juan 5:14 the list is extended on having said: " it does not import what is for what we ask in conformity with his will, he(it) hears us ". In other words, we can tell all our worries to God, knowing that he will never consider them to be simple bilges (1 Pedro 5:7).

And what is it possible to say of the moment and the place to pray? Does he say the God's Word slightly in the matter? We will answer this question.

The prayers.


Jah-Allah for what we can ask?
To pray and to ask without never doubting and you provide without reproaching.

Jah-Allah for what we can ask?

The response that gives the Holy Writings
We can ask him for any thing that is in harmony with the divine procedure that the Bible teaches(shows). " It does not import what is for what we ask in conformity with his will, he(it) hears us ", they affirm the Writings (1 John 5:14). Among other things, one can tell him his worries. The Bible invites us to vent us with him(it), since he says: " In front of him(it) you should spill his heart " (Psalm 62:8).

Examples of for what we can ask in prayer
Faith in God (Luke 17:5).

The Holy Spirit of God - is to say, his(her,your) force activates-, so that it helps us to do the correct thing (Luke 11:13).

Fortaleza to face the problems and to resist the temptations (Philipiens 4:13).

Mental peace and tranquility (Philipiens4:6, 7).
Wisdom to take good decisions (Santiago 1:5).
It) helps to satisfy the daily needs (Mateo 6:11).
Pardon of the sins (Mateo 6:12).