Jah-Allah for what we can ask?
To pray and to ask without never doubting and you provide without reproaching.
To pray and to ask without never doubting and you provide without reproaching.
Jah-Allah for what we can ask?
The response that gives the Holy Writings
We can ask him for any thing that is in harmony with the divine procedure that the Bible teaches(shows). " It does not import what is for what we ask in conformity with his will, he(it) hears us ", they affirm the Writings (1 John 5:14). Among other things, one can tell him his worries. The Bible invites us to vent us with him(it), since he says: " In front of him(it) you should spill his heart " (Psalm 62:8).
Examples of for what we can ask in prayer
Faith in God (Luke 17:5).
The Holy Spirit of God - is to say, his(her,your) force activates-, so that it helps us to do the correct thing (Luke 11:13).
Fortaleza to face the problems and to resist the temptations (Philipiens 4:13).
Mental peace and tranquility (Philipiens4:6, 7).
We can ask him for any thing that is in harmony with the divine procedure that the Bible teaches(shows). " It does not import what is for what we ask in conformity with his will, he(it) hears us ", they affirm the Writings (1 John 5:14). Among other things, one can tell him his worries. The Bible invites us to vent us with him(it), since he says: " In front of him(it) you should spill his heart " (Psalm 62:8).
Examples of for what we can ask in prayer
Faith in God (Luke 17:5).
The Holy Spirit of God - is to say, his(her,your) force activates-, so that it helps us to do the correct thing (Luke 11:13).
Fortaleza to face the problems and to resist the temptations (Philipiens 4:13).
Mental peace and tranquility (Philipiens4:6, 7).
Wisdom to take good decisions (Santiago 1:5).
It) helps to satisfy the daily needs (Mateo 6:11).
Pardon of the sins (Mateo 6:12).
Es triste pero nos gusta tanto está tranquilidad capitalista disfrazada de libertad, porque si... pero esta bien porque nos encanta esta tranquilidad y no haremos nada.
ReplyDeleteMuslimani y muslimana, seguirán jodiendo tu vida y el futuro de tus hijos y nietos STOP ISLAM YA.
It's sad but we like it so much this capitalist tranquility disguised as freedom, because yes ... but it's good because we love this tranquility and we will not do anything.
Muslimani and muslimana, they will continue to screw your life and the future of your children and grandchildren STOP ISLAM NOW.
C'est triste mais on aime tellement cette tranquillité capitaliste déguisée en liberté, car oui ... mais c'est bien car on aime cette quiétude et on ne fera rien.
Muslimani et Muslimana, ils continueront à détruire votre vie et l'avenir de vos enfants et petits-enfants STOP ISLAM MAINTEANT. pour mieux comprendre et vous défendre des argumentations infondés des inquisiteurs, fachistes et Babyloniens du 21ieme siècle. Para comprender mejor y defenderte de las argumentaciones infundadas de los inquisitores ,fascistas y Babylonios del siglo 21.
To better understand and respond more efficiently these allegations as baseless of the inquisitors, fachistes and babyloners of the 21 century.
When in a couple, one of the partners lies to the other, the tendency is to beware of the liar is not it. So why do not you be wary of Muslims, who are educated to lie (Taqqya) from the cradle. to the tomb! When you know that a person is known as a rapist, you go as far as possible, so why do you say Muslim refugees welcome, while they are educated to rape all women, girls who are not even human in their eyes Boys and animals, from the cradle to the grave! When you know that someone is known as a murderer, you will avoid him as much as possible, so why do you accept educated Muslims to murder you from the cradle to the grave! When a person is known as someone who hates everybody, you isolate and avoid him as much as possible, so why do you mix with Muslims? Who are educated from the cradle to the grave to hate you! When you see Muslims, tell yourself that Jah-Allah wants exactly the opposite of what they say, think, and do. Because they do not do anything that the God of the Torah wants. pour mieux comprendre et vous défendre des argumentations infondés des inquisiteurs, fachistes et Babyloniens du 21ieme siècle. Para comprender mejor y defenderte de las argumentaciones infundadas de los inquisitores ,fascistas y Babylonios del siglo 21.
To better understand and respond more efficiently these allegations as baseless of the inquisitors, fachistes and babyloners of the 21 century.