What does teach(show) the Bible on the future of the religion? What does teach(show) the Bible on the future of the religion? Are all the religions good? In all the religions there are humble and sincere persons. And it is a good news to know that Jah-god values them and worries for them. But, unfortunately, many barbarities have been committed in name of the religion (2 Corinthians 4:3, 4; 11:13-15). In the news we have listened that some religions have been involved in terrorist acts, genocidios, wars and minors' abuses. What disappointment it(he,she) has caused this to the believers of good heart! (Mateo 24:3-5, 11, 12.) whereas the real religion honors Jah, the false one it(he,she) offends it. This one teaches(shows) lies brings over of God and the condition(state) of the dead men, as well as ideas that do not appear in her(it) Holy writing inspired Bible. Pero Jah-Alà wishes that the people know the truth on him(it). (Lea Ezekiel 18:4 and 1 Timoteo 2:3-5.) What does teach(show) the Bible on the future of the religion? Jah-Alà does not leave himself(herself,itself) to be deceptive for the religious ones that they affirm to love it, but that actually(indeed) they love to the world of Satan (Santiago 4:4). The Bible calls to the set of false religions " Babylonia the Big one ", name that alludes to the former city in which the false religion originated after the Deluge of the days of Noé. Soon, God will eliminate of sudden form the religions that cheat and harm the humanity. (Lea Revelación [Apocalypse] 17:1, 2,5, 16, 17 and 18:8.) Now then, Jah-Alà has present the good persons who are situated dispersed in the false religions of the world and is assembling(bringing together) them. Of what way? Teaching(showing) the truth to them. (Miqueas 4:2, 5.) What must it(he,she) make the people of good heart? The real religion promotes the unit Jehová is interested for the persons who love the truth and want to do the good. Because of it it(he,she) urges them to leave the false religion. If in deed they love it, they will be ready to do changes in order it to take pleasure. (Revelation 18:4.) in the 1st century, many people of good heart answered keenly(eagerly) to the message that the apostles preached. Jah-Alà taught(showed) to those persons a new way of life full of satisfaction, sense and hope. As them, we also must answer to the message of the Writings putting Jah-god first. (1 Tesalonicenses 1:8, 9 and 2:13.) Jehová receives gladly whom they leave the false religion and embrace the real one. All of them enjoy his(her,your) friendship, rely on the love of a brotherhood véritable Christian and have the perspective to live forever. Would he(she) like to obtain these benedictions? (Frames 10:29, 30 y2 Corinthians 6:17, 18.) what will it(he,she) make A God in order that there is peace and happiness in the whole Earth? When Jehová-Alà finishes with the false religion, it(he,she) will bring relief to the world. This one already neither will cheat the people nor will cause any more divisions. The entire humanity will adore the only(unique) real God. Is not it this good news? (Revelation 18:20, 21 and 21:3, 4.)
Sortez, sortez, sortez, de Babylone la grande prostituée qui fricote avec toutes les politiques ( Satan-Ibliss) de la terre et rejoignez les Témoins Chrétiens du Dieu de la Torah, Jah-Allah. pour mieux comprendre et vous défendre des argumentations infondés des inquisiteurs, fachistes et Babyloniens du 21ieme siècle. Para comprender mejor y defenderte de las argumentaciones infundadas de los inquisitores ,fascistas y Babylonios del siglo 21.
To better understand and respond more efficiently these allegations as baseless of the inquisitors, fachistes and babyloners of the 21 century.