Gabaón (A little time after the predicted destruction, Ismael murdered Guedalías (the governor named by Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylonia), in Mizpá.
The assassin and his(her,your) men also took captive the rest of the people of Mizpá; but Johanán and his(her,your) men reached Ismael close to Gabaón's abundant waters and rescued the captive ones.
Descent, seed The promise done to Abrahán of which all the families of the land would be blessed by means of his(her,your) "descent" could not have included to the whole Abrahán's offspring as his(her,your) "descent", since neither the offspring of his(her,your) son Ismael or that of the children who had with Queturá were used to bless the humanity.
" As in those days - he(she) says - the one that it(he,she) was born like the meat [Ismael] it(he,she) put to chase(prosecute) to the one that it(he,she) was born like the spirit [Isaac], this way also now ".
Here we see that the promise that Jah-alá to fact to Abraham and to his(her,your) wife Sara the free this woman in that of Isaac and not of Ismael who perdio his(her,your) inheritance(heredity) due to his(her,your) evil behavior with Isaac and after assassin turns(becomes) and to have a behavior in the style of Caïn!
Nowadays we see a parallelism in this bad(wrong) behavior of the isamelitas - Caïn (Islam) in opposition to Abel - Isaac (véritables Christians) who Jah-alá loves
Ismael perdio his(her,your) inheritance(heredity) and I happen to Isaac!
The father could transfer the right of primogeniture if it(he,she) had valid reasons, giving the inheritance(heredity) of the first-born one to a younger son. In the cases registered in the Bible, the change that took place(was produced) did not obey caprice or favouritism, but a specific reason. Ismael, the major son of Abrahán, was the future inheritor for fourteen years. (Gé 16:16; 17:18-21; 21:5.) nevertheless, by request of Sara, and with the approval of Jah-Allah, Abrahán dismissed(saw off) Ismael, who by then was nineteen years old.
The Bible indicates that Ismael chased(prosecuted) Isaac. Of equal way, during the first century of our age, the children of the enslaved Jerusalén joked of the children of the Jerusalén of above(up) and chased(prosecuted) them. " As in those days the one that it(he,she) was born like the meat [Ismael] it(he,she) put to chase(prosecute) to the one that it(he,she) was born like the spirit [Isaac], this way also now ", made clear Paul (Gálatas 4:29).
" A symbolic drama " valuable for us Paul resembled the gálatas that Abrahán, the father of the Jewish nation, generated(bred) to Ismaely to Isaac También they knew that, in conformity with the promise of God, Sara finally gave birth Isaac in his(her,your) oldness, and that, later, Abrahán dismissed(saw off) Agar and aIsmael because this one ill-treated Isaac (Genesis 16:1-4; 17:15-17; 21:1-14; Gálatas 4:22, 23).
According to the Bible, Ismael was born when Abraham had 86 years of age and had happened(passed) ten years in Canaán's region (Gn.16:1 to 16). Abraham, before Yahveh's promise of which it(he,she) was going to have a son (Gn.15:1), was left 4 to block up for the apparent impossibilities, since so much he(it) as his(her,your) wife Sara they were of advanced age. Since Sara was not giving him children and had an Egyptian sierva called Agar, She(It) was given by woman to Abraham in order that it(he,she) had children of her(it). This way it(he,she) was since(as,like) Ismael was born (who means God listens to me). The one that Abraham was producing to Ismael by means of his(her,your) natural force was a serious offense for God, due to this situation, the God's communion with Abraham God was interrupted because of it I wait thirteen years until the natural force of Abraham was cut. It(he,she) is Abraham says I try to help God, having descent, this was an offense for God, he(she) is because of it that in 17:1 says: " I am the quite sufficient God ". In the same chapter God establishes an agreement with Abraham in whom it(he,she) blesses it to and in 17:10 he(she) says East to Sara it is My agreement, which you will guard between(among) Me and vosotos and your seed after you: moderated Sera every male of between(among) vosotos. Then being Sara, sterile till then and 100-year-old Abraham of age, he(she) conceived Isaac, " the son of the promise ". Gene 17:18 he(she) says: And Abraham said to God: If at least Ismael was living in front of You! Gene 17:19 But respondio God: Not, if not that Sara your wife, you dara to light a son and you were calling his(her,your) name Isaac; and establecere my agreement with him(it) as perpetual agreement for his(her,your) seed and after.
In spite of the primogeniture of Ismael, God clarifies to Abraham that the addressee of his(her,your) agreement and inheritor of the promised land would be Isaac: " God Answered: Certainly Sara your wife will give birth you a son, and you will call his(her,your) name Isaac; and I will confirm my agreement with him(it) as perpetual agreement for his(her,your) descendants after him(it). And as for Ismael, also I have heard you; am here that I will bless him, and I will make him come to fruition and multiply very much in great way; twelve princes it(he,she) will generate(breed), and I will do of him(it) a great nation. Mas I will establish my agreement with Isaac, the fact that Sara will give birth you in this time the year that comes. And he(she) had just spoken with him(it), and there rose God of being with Abraham. (Genesis 17:19-22 here the Muslims say that I change the name but recordaos that Jah-alá I preserve the writings inspiradsa intact! Since we see in (you notarize Syrian)
There is no doubt that Jah-Allah has protected the Holy Writings, as it(he,she) promised. In the own(proper) Bible we find this guarantee: " The green grass(herb) has dried off, the flower has faded up; but as for the word of our God, it(he,she) will last up to indefinite time " (Isaías 40:8; 1 Pedro 1:25). The former Syrian manuscripts have recovered(played) a modest but important paper(role) in transmitting with accuracy the message of the Bible. (HOLY INSPIRED WRITINGS)
The assassin and his(her,your) men also took captive the rest of the people of Mizpá; but Johanán and his(her,your) men reached Ismael close to Gabaón's abundant waters and rescued the captive ones.
Descent, seed The promise done to Abrahán of which all the families of the land would be blessed by means of his(her,your) "descent" could not have included to the whole Abrahán's offspring as his(her,your) "descent", since neither the offspring of his(her,your) son Ismael or that of the children who had with Queturá were used to bless the humanity.
" As in those days - he(she) says - the one that it(he,she) was born like the meat [Ismael] it(he,she) put to chase(prosecute) to the one that it(he,she) was born like the spirit [Isaac], this way also now ".
Here we see that the promise that Jah-alá to fact to Abraham and to his(her,your) wife Sara the free this woman in that of Isaac and not of Ismael who perdio his(her,your) inheritance(heredity) due to his(her,your) evil behavior with Isaac and after assassin turns(becomes) and to have a behavior in the style of Caïn!
Nowadays we see a parallelism in this bad(wrong) behavior of the isamelitas - Caïn (Islam) in opposition to Abel - Isaac (véritables Christians) who Jah-alá loves
Ismael perdio his(her,your) inheritance(heredity) and I happen to Isaac!
The father could transfer the right of primogeniture if it(he,she) had valid reasons, giving the inheritance(heredity) of the first-born one to a younger son. In the cases registered in the Bible, the change that took place(was produced) did not obey caprice or favouritism, but a specific reason. Ismael, the major son of Abrahán, was the future inheritor for fourteen years. (Gé 16:16; 17:18-21; 21:5.) nevertheless, by request of Sara, and with the approval of Jah-Allah, Abrahán dismissed(saw off) Ismael, who by then was nineteen years old.
The Bible indicates that Ismael chased(prosecuted) Isaac. Of equal way, during the first century of our age, the children of the enslaved Jerusalén joked of the children of the Jerusalén of above(up) and chased(prosecuted) them. " As in those days the one that it(he,she) was born like the meat [Ismael] it(he,she) put to chase(prosecute) to the one that it(he,she) was born like the spirit [Isaac], this way also now ", made clear Paul (Gálatas 4:29).
" A symbolic drama " valuable for us Paul resembled the gálatas that Abrahán, the father of the Jewish nation, generated(bred) to Ismaely to Isaac También they knew that, in conformity with the promise of God, Sara finally gave birth Isaac in his(her,your) oldness, and that, later, Abrahán dismissed(saw off) Agar and aIsmael because this one ill-treated Isaac (Genesis 16:1-4; 17:15-17; 21:1-14; Gálatas 4:22, 23).
According to the Bible, Ismael was born when Abraham had 86 years of age and had happened(passed) ten years in Canaán's region (Gn.16:1 to 16). Abraham, before Yahveh's promise of which it(he,she) was going to have a son (Gn.15:1), was left 4 to block up for the apparent impossibilities, since so much he(it) as his(her,your) wife Sara they were of advanced age. Since Sara was not giving him children and had an Egyptian sierva called Agar, She(It) was given by woman to Abraham in order that it(he,she) had children of her(it). This way it(he,she) was since(as,like) Ismael was born (who means God listens to me). The one that Abraham was producing to Ismael by means of his(her,your) natural force was a serious offense for God, due to this situation, the God's communion with Abraham God was interrupted because of it I wait thirteen years until the natural force of Abraham was cut. It(he,she) is Abraham says I try to help God, having descent, this was an offense for God, he(she) is because of it that in 17:1 says: " I am the quite sufficient God ". In the same chapter God establishes an agreement with Abraham in whom it(he,she) blesses it to and in 17:10 he(she) says East to Sara it is My agreement, which you will guard between(among) Me and vosotos and your seed after you: moderated Sera every male of between(among) vosotos. Then being Sara, sterile till then and 100-year-old Abraham of age, he(she) conceived Isaac, " the son of the promise ". Gene 17:18 he(she) says: And Abraham said to God: If at least Ismael was living in front of You! Gene 17:19 But respondio God: Not, if not that Sara your wife, you dara to light a son and you were calling his(her,your) name Isaac; and establecere my agreement with him(it) as perpetual agreement for his(her,your) seed and after.
In spite of the primogeniture of Ismael, God clarifies to Abraham that the addressee of his(her,your) agreement and inheritor of the promised land would be Isaac: " God Answered: Certainly Sara your wife will give birth you a son, and you will call his(her,your) name Isaac; and I will confirm my agreement with him(it) as perpetual agreement for his(her,your) descendants after him(it). And as for Ismael, also I have heard you; am here that I will bless him, and I will make him come to fruition and multiply very much in great way; twelve princes it(he,she) will generate(breed), and I will do of him(it) a great nation. Mas I will establish my agreement with Isaac, the fact that Sara will give birth you in this time the year that comes. And he(she) had just spoken with him(it), and there rose God of being with Abraham. (Genesis 17:19-22 here the Muslims say that I change the name but recordaos that Jah-alá I preserve the writings inspiradsa intact! Since we see in (you notarize Syrian)
There is no doubt that Jah-Allah has protected the Holy Writings, as it(he,she) promised. In the own(proper) Bible we find this guarantee: " The green grass(herb) has dried off, the flower has faded up; but as for the word of our God, it(he,she) will last up to indefinite time " (Isaías 40:8; 1 Pedro 1:25). The former Syrian manuscripts have recovered(played) a modest but important paper(role) in transmitting with accuracy the message of the Bible. (HOLY INSPIRED WRITINGS)
There is nowhere in the world an example of peaceful coexistence among peoples of different cultures, for the simple reason that races can mix but not pour mieux comprendre et vous défendre des argumentations infondés des inquisiteurs, fachistes et Babyloniens du 21ieme siècle. Para comprender mejor y defenderte de las argumentaciones infundadas de los inquisitores ,fascistas y Babylonios del siglo 21.
To better understand and respond more efficiently these allegations as baseless of the inquisitors, fachistes and babyloners of the 21 century.