IT(HE,SHE) DID NOT GO(WAS NOT) either rich or powerful. It(he,she) did not even have an own(proper) home. Nevertheless, his(her,your) educations have influenced million persons. Now then, was he Jesus Christ a royal(real) personage? Let's see the opinion of some specialists in the matter, so much modern as(like) of the antiquity(antique).
Michael Grant, historian and expert in classic antiquity(antique), indicated: " If, since we have to, we apply to the New Testament the same criterion that we must apply to other ancient writings that contain historical information, we cannot reject Jesus' existence, as well as we cannot reject the existence of many pagan prominent figures whose historicity is never questioned ".
Rudolf Bultmann, teacher of Studies of the New Testament, said: " The doubt of if Jesus really existed lacks foundation and it(he,she) is not worth a sorrow(sentence) discussing it. Nobody can question that Jesus founded the historical movement which more typical initial stage was the primitive(original) community [of Christians] of Palestine ".
Will Durant, historian, writer and philosopher, affirmed: " That a few simple men [the writers of the Gospels] should can, in a generation, have invented such a powerful and attractive personality, such a high ethics and such an encouraging conception of the human brotherhood, it would be a miracle much more incredible than any of the recorded ones in the Gospels ".
Albert Einstein, German physicist of Jewish origin, declared: " Though I am Jewish, the figure of the Nazarene me turns out to be fascinating ". When one asked him if he(she) was considering Jesus to be a historical personage, it(he,she) answered: " certainly! Nobody can read the Gospels without feeling Jesus' presence. His(her,your) personality flutters in every word. No myth is so full of life ".
" Nobody can read the Gospels without (Albert Einstein) feels Jesus' presence ".
Michael Grant, historian and expert in classic antiquity(antique), indicated: " If, since we have to, we apply to the New Testament the same criterion that we must apply to other ancient writings that contain historical information, we cannot reject Jesus' existence, as well as we cannot reject the existence of many pagan prominent figures whose historicity is never questioned ".
Rudolf Bultmann, teacher of Studies of the New Testament, said: " The doubt of if Jesus really existed lacks foundation and it(he,she) is not worth a sorrow(sentence) discussing it. Nobody can question that Jesus founded the historical movement which more typical initial stage was the primitive(original) community [of Christians] of Palestine ".
Will Durant, historian, writer and philosopher, affirmed: " That a few simple men [the writers of the Gospels] should can, in a generation, have invented such a powerful and attractive personality, such a high ethics and such an encouraging conception of the human brotherhood, it would be a miracle much more incredible than any of the recorded ones in the Gospels ".
Albert Einstein, German physicist of Jewish origin, declared: " Though I am Jewish, the figure of the Nazarene me turns out to be fascinating ". When one asked him if he(she) was considering Jesus to be a historical personage, it(he,she) answered: " certainly! Nobody can read the Gospels without feeling Jesus' presence. His(her,your) personality flutters in every word. No myth is so full of life ".
" Nobody can read the Gospels without (Albert Einstein) feels Jesus' presence ".
The most detailed record of the life and Jesus' department is situated in the Bible, in the Gospels. Each of these statements takes the name of his(her,your) writer: Mateo, Frames, Lucas and Juan. But in addition there are several sources(fountains) you do not christen that they mention Jesus.
TACIT (c. 56-120) To Tacit she is considered to be one of the big historians of the ancient Rome. His(her,your) work Annals treats the history of the Roman Empire from the year 14 up to(even) 68 (Jesus died in the year 33). Tacit he(she) wrote that the great fire that devastated the city of Rome in the year 64 assumed to him(her) to the emperor Nerón, but that Nerón blamed for the fire the Christians " to finish with the rumors ". Then it(he,she) added: " That one of whom they were taking the name, Christ, had been executed in Tiberio's reign by the attorney Poncio Pilato " (Annals, XV, 44).
SUETONIO (c. 69-d. 122) In his(her,your) work Life of the césares, the Roman historian Suetonio narrated the events happened in the reigns of the first eleven Roman emperors. In the section dedicated to Claudio, it(he,she) referred to a few disturbances that arose between(among) the Jews of Rome, maybe provoked by disputes because of Jesus (Facts 18:2). Suetonio wrote: " Since the Jews constant were causing disturbances for Cresto's instigation [Christ], he(it) [Claudio] expelled them from Rome " (The divine Claudio, XXV, 4). Though he(she) blamed erroneously Jesus of generating disturbances, Suetonio did not doubt his(her,your) existence.
Plinio the Young person
PLINIO THE YOUNG PERSON (c. 61-113) He Was a writer and governor of Bitinia (current Turkey). In a letter that he(she) sent to the Roman emperor Trajano, Plinio asked him(her) how it(he,she) had to treat the Christians. He(she) said to him(her) that it(he,she) had tried to force them to renounce his(her,your) faith and that he(she) had executed all those who refused to do it. He(she) added: " Those who repeated with me an invocation to the [pagan] gods and they offered religious rites with wine and incense in front of your statue [...] and they cursed Christ [...,] I thought adapted to absolve them " (Plinio Young, Letters, Book X, XCVI).
Flavio Josefo
FLAVIO JOSEFO (c. 37-100) Josefo, historian and Jewish priest, wrote that Anás, supreme priest who continued exercising great political influence, did the following thing: " There assembled(There brought together) the sanedrín [the supreme Jewish court]. It(he,she) called to judgment(reason) the brother of Jesus that Christ called himself; his(her,your) name was Jacobo [or Santiago] " (Jewish Antiquities(Antiques), XX, 200).
The Talmud
This collection of rabbinical Jewish writings, which dates of the centuries third party to sixth, shows that up to the enemies of Jesus they confirmed his(her,your) existence. A passage(ticket) says that in " the Easter, Yeshu [Jesus] the Nazarene was hung ", I date that it(he) is historically correct (The Talmud of Babylonia, Sanedrín 43a, according to the reading of the Codex of Munich; Juan sees 19:14-16). In other one he(she) declares the following thing: " That we have neither son nor disciple who is left to spoil publicly as the Nazarene ", title(degree) with the one that one was in the habit of calling Jesus (The Talmud of Babylonia, Berajot 17b, notices, according to the reading
The most detailed record of the life and Jesus' department is situated in the Bible, in the Gospels. Each of these statements takes the name of his(her,your) writer: Mateo, Frames, Lucas and Juan. But in addition there are several sources(fountains) you do not christen that they mention Jesus.
TACIT (c. 56-120) To Tacit she is considered to be one of the big historians of the ancient Rome. His(her,your) work Annals treats the history of the Roman Empire from the year 14 up to(even) 68 (Jesus died in the year 33). Tacit he(she) wrote that the great fire that devastated the city of Rome in the year 64 assumed to him(her) to the emperor Nerón, but that Nerón blamed for the fire the Christians " to finish with the rumors ". Then it(he,she) added: " That one of whom they were taking the name, Christ, had been executed in Tiberio's reign by the attorney Poncio Pilato " (Annals, XV, 44).
SUETONIO (c. 69-d. 122) In his(her,your) work Life of the césares, the Roman historian Suetonio narrated the events happened in the reigns of the first eleven Roman emperors. In the section dedicated to Claudio, it(he,she) referred to a few disturbances that arose between(among) the Jews of Rome, maybe provoked by disputes because of Jesus (Facts 18:2). Suetonio wrote: " Since the Jews constant were causing disturbances for Cresto's instigation [Christ], he(it) [Claudio] expelled them from Rome " (The divine Claudio, XXV, 4). Though he(she) blamed erroneously Jesus of generating disturbances, Suetonio did not doubt his(her,your) existence.
Plinio the Young person
PLINIO THE YOUNG PERSON (c. 61-113) He Was a writer and governor of Bitinia (current Turkey). In a letter that he(she) sent to the Roman emperor Trajano, Plinio asked him(her) how it(he,she) had to treat the Christians. He(she) said to him(her) that it(he,she) had tried to force them to renounce his(her,your) faith and that he(she) had executed all those who refused to do it. He(she) added: " Those who repeated with me an invocation to the [pagan] gods and they offered religious rites with wine and incense in front of your statue [...] and they cursed Christ [...,] I thought adapted to absolve them " (Plinio Young, Letters, Book X, XCVI).
Flavio Josefo
FLAVIO JOSEFO (c. 37-100) Josefo, historian and Jewish priest, wrote that Anás, supreme priest who continued exercising great political influence, did the following thing: " There assembled(There brought together) the sanedrín [the supreme Jewish court]. It(he,she) called to judgment(reason) the brother of Jesus that Christ called himself; his(her,your) name was Jacobo [or Santiago] " (Jewish Antiquities(Antiques), XX, 200).
The Talmud
This collection of rabbinical Jewish writings, which dates of the centuries third party to sixth, shows that up to the enemies of Jesus they confirmed his(her,your) existence. A passage(ticket) says that in " the Easter, Yeshu [Jesus] the Nazarene was hung ", I date that it(he) is historically correct (The Talmud of Babylonia, Sanedrín 43a, according to the reading of the Codex of Munich; Juan sees 19:14-16). In other one he(she) declares the following thing: " That we have neither son nor disciple who is left to spoil publicly as the Nazarene ", title(degree) with the one that one was in the habit of calling Jesus (The Talmud of Babylonia, Berajot 17b, notices, according to the reading
The Gospels contain the elements of a historical reliable record. They provide an extensive statement of the life and Jesus' department, and contribute specific details on persons, places and dates. In Lucas 3:1, 2 we find an example that it(he,she) helps us to identify the exact date in which a man called Juan the Baptizer, predecessor de Jesus, began his(her,your) labor.
The Bible
" Any Writing is inspired of God " (2 Timoteo 3:16).
Lucas wrote: " In the fifteenth year of the reign deTiberio Caesar, when Poncio Pilato was a governor of Judea, and Herod was a leader of district of Galilee, but Filipo his(her,your) brother was a leader of district of the country of Iturea and of Traconítide, and Lisanias was a leader of Abilene's district, in the days of the principal priest Anás, and deCaifás, the God's declaration came to Juan the son of Zacarías in the desert ". This detailed and precise list allows us to establish that " the God's declaration came to Juan " in the year 29.
Seven public figures that Lucas mentions are historical recognized prominent figures, but not always it(he,she) was like that. Some critics hurried to questioning the existence of Poncio Pilato and Lisanias. With the time, there were discovered ancient inscriptions that were containing the names of these two civil servants and were confirming the accuracy of Lucas's statement. *
The Gospels contain the elements of a historical reliable record. They provide an extensive statement of the life and Jesus' department, and contribute specific details on persons, places and dates. In Lucas 3:1, 2 we find an example that it(he,she) helps us to identify the exact date in which a man called Juan the Baptizer, predecessor de Jesus, began his(her,your) labor.
The Bible
" Any Writing is inspired of God " (2 Timoteo 3:16).
Lucas wrote: " In the fifteenth year of the reign deTiberio Caesar, when Poncio Pilato was a governor of Judea, and Herod was a leader of district of Galilee, but Filipo his(her,your) brother was a leader of district of the country of Iturea and of Traconítide, and Lisanias was a leader of Abilene's district, in the days of the principal priest Anás, and deCaifás, the God's declaration came to Juan the son of Zacarías in the desert ". This detailed and precise list allows us to establish that " the God's declaration came to Juan " in the year 29.
Seven public figures that Lucas mentions are historical recognized prominent figures, but not always it(he,she) was like that. Some critics hurried to questioning the existence of Poncio Pilato and Lisanias. With the time, there were discovered ancient inscriptions that were containing the names of these two civil servants and were confirming the accuracy of Lucas's statement. *
The Earth
Jesus spoke about the God's Kingdom, a world government.
Yes, for the transcendency that his(her,your) educations have. For example, Jesus taught(showed) how to enjoy a happy and satisfactory life. * Also he(she) spoke about a time in which the humanity will live in real peace and safety(security) joined under an alone government: the God's Kingdom (Lucas 4:43).
The expression " God's Kingdom " is adapted because this world government will exercise the God's sovereignty on the Earth (Revelation [Apocalypse] 11:15). In fact, Jesus clarified it when he(she) said in the prayer(sentence) I shape: " our Father that you are in the skies, [...] it(he,she) avenges your kingdom. Efectúese your will [...] on the land " (Mateo 6:9, 10). What benedictions will it(he,she) bring to the humanity the God's Kingdom? Let's see some:
There will be ended the wars and the clashes (Psalm 46:8-11).
The evilness, the greed and the corruption will disappear forever (Psalm 37:10, 11).
The subjects of the Kingdom will have gratifying and productive works (Isaías 65:21, 22).
The Earth will recover completely of his(her,your) lamentable current condition and will produce abundant crops (Psalm 72:16; Isaías 11:9).
There is the one who will say that these promises are simple illusions. But perhaps it is not also an illusion to trust in the human promises? Think about the following thing: in spite of the impressive advances in the education, the science and the technology, million persons are very worried and distressed for the future. In addition, daily we see that the people suffer economic, political or religious pressures, and that is a victim of the greed and the corruption. It(he) remains clear that the government humanizes is a round failure (Ecclesiastes 8:9).
Undoubtedly, Jesus' existence is a question that deserves to be analyzed, does not it(he,she) seem to him(her)? * As he(she) says 2 Corinthians 1:19, 20, " it(he,she) does not import how many are the God's promises, they have managed to be Sí by means of him(it) [Jesus Christ] ".
El Cristianismo, con fuerza y energía hoy en día y desde ayer.
ReplyDeleteLe christianisme, avec force et énergie aujourd'hui et depuis hier.
Christianity, with strength and energy today and since yesterday
pour mieux comprendre et vous défendre des argumentations infondés des inquisiteurs, fachistes et Babyloniens du 21ieme siècle.
Para comprender mejor y defenderte de las argumentaciones infundadas de los inquisitores, fascistas y Babylonios del siglo 21.