An important history
La Biblia es diferente de los demás textos religiosos. Ha influido como ningún otro en las creencias de millones de personas durante miles de años. Pero, a la vez, no hay otro libro que haya sido objeto de tanto examen ni provocado tanta crítica como la Biblia.
Por ejemplo, algunos expertos dudan de que las Biblias actuales sean copias confiables de los textos originales. “Ni siquiera estamos seguros de haber conseguido reconstruir el texto original con exactitud”, dijo un experto en estudios religiosos. Y añadió: “Solo tenemos copias plagadas de errores; la enorme mayoría de ellas se hicieron siglos después de los originales y, al parecer, difieren de ellos en miles de maneras”.
Otras personas dudan de la autenticidad de la Biblia debido a sus antecedentes religiosos. Faizal, por ejemplo, se crió en una familia no cristiana. Le enseñaron que la Biblia es un libro sagrado, pero que el texto había sido modificado. “El resultado fue que desconfiaba de las personas que querían hablarme de la Biblia —comenta Faizal—. A fin de cuentas, no tenían la Biblia original; había sido cambiada”.
Pero ¿importa si la Biblia ha cambiado? Piense en lo siguiente: la Biblia contiene hermosas promesas para el futuro. Si dudara de que esas promesas estuvieran en el texto original, ¿confiaría en ellas? (Romanos 15:4). Si las Biblias actuales fueran copias defectuosas, ¿usaría los principios bíblicos para tomar decisiones importantes sobre su empleo, su familia o hasta su adoración a Dios?
Aunque los escritos originales de la Biblia han desaparecido, podemos consultar copias antiguas, lo que incluye miles de manuscritos. ¿Cómo ha sobrevivido la Biblia al deterioro de los materiales, a la oposición y a los intentos de manipular el texto? ¿Por qué conocer esto puede hacer que usted confíe en las Biblias de hoy? Analice las respuestas que se dan a estas preguntas en la siguiente historia de supervivencia.
The Bible is different from other religious texts. It(he,she) has influenced like no(any) other the beliefs of million persons during thousands of years. But, simultaneously, there is no another book that has been an object of so much(many) examination not provoked so many critique as the Bible.
For example, some experts doubt that the current Bibles are reliable copies of the original texts. " We are not even sure of having managed to reconstruct the original text with accuracy ", said an expert in religious studies. And it(he,she) added: " Only we have copies riddled with mistakes; the enormous majority of they they were done some centuries after the original ones and, apparently, they differ from them in thousands of ways ".
Other persons doubt the genuineness of the Bible due to his(her,your) religious precedents. Faizal, for example, grew up in a family it(he,she) does not christen. They taught(showed) him(her) that the Bible is a sacred book, but that the text had been modified. " The result was that he(she) was distrusting the persons who wanted to speak to me about the Bible - comments Faizal-. Ultimately, they did not have the original Bible; it had been changed ".
But does it(he,she) matter if the Bible has changed? Think about the following thing: the Bible contains beautiful promises for the future. If he(she) was doubting that these promises were in the original text, would he(she) trust in them? (Romans 15:4). If the current Bibles were defective copies, would it(he,she) use the Biblical beginning(principles) to take important decisions on his(her,your) employment, his(her,your) family or up to his(her,your) adoration to God?
Though the original writings of the Bible have disappeared, we can consult ancient copies, which includes thousands of manuscripts. How has it(he,she) survived the Bible to the deterioration of the materials, to the opposition(examination) and to the attempts of manipulating the text? Why can to know this do that you trust in the Today bibles? Analyze the answers that are given to these questions in the following history of survival.JESUS GAVE TO ME EVERYTHING... THE PROPHÈT OF THE PROPHÈTS, KING OF KINGS, THAT ONE THAT THE WHOLE HUMANITY OWES OBEDIENCE!
The Bible survived the deterioration...
THE ASSAULT. The writers and copyists of the Bible wrote in papyrus and parchment (2 Timoteo 4:13). * in what sense did these materials put in danger the survival of the Bible?
The papyrus becomes fragile, gets bleached and weakens easily. " With the time, a leaf(sheet) gets worn out up to turning into a skeleton of fibers and a handful of powder - there mention the Egyptologists Richard Parkinson and Stephen Quirke-. While it is guarded, a roll can cover of mildew and to rot for the dampness, and when it(he) is buried can finish devoured by rodents and insects, specially the white ant ". After being overdrafts, some papyruses were exposed to too many light or dampness, and it accelerated his(her,your) deterioration.
The parchment is more resistant than the papyrus, but also it(he,she) deteriorates if it(he,she) is not manipulated correctly or if it is exposed to excessive temperature, dampness or light. * Also it(he) is attacked by the insects. For this reason, the work Everyday Writing in the Graeco-Roman East (The daily writing in the Greco-Roman East) says with relation to the ancient records that " the survival is the exception and the rule ". If the Bible had suffered this deterioration, his(her,your) message would have got lost.
HOW IT(HE,SHE) SURVIVED THE BIBLE. The Law that was given to the Israelites was ordering that all the kings of Israel should write " for yes in a book a copy of this law ", the first five books of the Bible (Deuteronomy 17:18). In addition, the professional copyists did so many manuscripts that by the ends of the first century could be copies of the Writings in the synagogues of the whole Israel and up to in the distant Macedonia (Lucas 4:16, 17; Facts 17:11). How there have survived until the day of today some of those manuscript old men?
1. A jar of mud; 2. Fragment of one of the Dead Sea scrolls
The manuscripts known as Dead Sea scrolls survived for centuries in jars of mud stored in caves of an arid region.
One of the caves where some Biblical manuscripts were situated
" It was known that the Jews were guarding the rolls of the Writings in amphorae or jars of mud in order to preserve them ", comments the expert in the New Testament Philip Comfort. And the Christians followed(continued) the same custom. This one is the reason for which some manuscripts of the Bible have revealed themselves in jars of mud, in dark rooms, in caves, as well as in very dry regions.
THE RESULT. Thousands of fragments of manuscripts of the Bible - some of them of more than two thousand years of antiquity(antique) - have survived to the present day. No ancient text has so many manuscripts and that date back to so much time.JESUS GAVE TO ME EVERYTHING... THE PROPHÈT OF THE PROPHÈTS, KING OF KINGS, THAT ONE THAT THE WHOLE HUMANITY OWES OBEDIENCE!
The Bible survived the opposition(examination)
THE ASSAULT. Many political and religious leaders looked for aims(lenses) opposite to the message of the Bible. Often, many(many people) used of his(her,your) authority to prevent the persons from possessing, they were producing or translating the Writings. Let's see two examples:
About the year 167 before our age, the king of the dynasty seléucida Antiochus Epífanes ordered(arranged) to destroy all the copies of the Hebrew Writings because it(he,she) wanted to impose the Greek religion on the Jews. His(her,your) civil servants " did pieces and burned the rolls of the Law there where they were finding them - there wrote the historian Heinrich Graetz-, and they killed those who were finding reading them in search of strength(fortress) and consolation ".
In the Middle Ages, it was bothering some religious leaders that the laymen were preaching what the Bible teaches(shows) instead of the catholic dogmas. Were accusing from heretic to any layman who had Biblical books with the exception of the Psalms in Latin. Certain ecclesiastic council ordered that in every parish some men should make the following thing: " Look with diligence, loyalty and frequency for the heretics [...] in all the houses and underground chambers(cameras) that are under suspicion. [...] The house in which a heretic is is destroyed ".
If the enemies of the Bible had managed to finish with her(it), his(her,your) message would have got lost.
A page of the Bible in English of William Tyndale
The translation of the Bible to the English of William Tyndale survived a prohibition, the burning copy(specimen) and the execution of the own(proper) Tyndale in 1536.
HOW IT(HE,SHE) SURVIVED THE BIBLIA.El king Antiochus centred his(her,your) assaults on Israel. Nevertheless, the Jews had established communities in other nations. The experts calculate that, for the first century, more than 60 % of the Jews was living out of Israel. In his(her,your) synagogues copies of the Writings were preserving; the same copies that the following generations used, included also the Christians (Facts 15:21).
In the Middle Ages, those who loved the Bible continued translating and copying the Writings in spite of the pursuit. Before there was invented the press of mobile types in the middle of the century fifteen, apparently already there were available portions of the Bible in nothing more and nothing less than 33 languages. From there, the Bible was translated and stamped on a speed without precedents.
THE RESULT. In spite of the threats of powerful kings and wrong clergymen, the Bible is the book most spread and more translated from the whole history. It(he,she) has influenced the laws and the languages of many countries, as well as the life of million persons.
The Bible survived the attempts of altering his(her,your) message JESUS GAVE TO ME EVERYTHING... THE PROPHÈTA PROPHÈTAS, KING DE GIVES L0S KINGS, THAT ONE THAT THE WHOLE HUMANITY OWES OBEDIENCE! A Biblical copyist doing his(her,your) work The masoretas copied carefully the Writings. THE ASSAULT. Neither the deterioration of the materials nor the assaults of the opponents they could finish with the Bible. But there have been copyists and translators who have tried to change the message of the Bible in order that he(she) adapts to his(her,your) doctrines, instead of adapting his(her,your) doctrines to what he(she) says the Bible. Analyze the following examples: The place of adoration. Between the centuries fourth and the second before our age, the writers of the Pentateuco Samaritano inserted after Exodus 20:17 the words " in the Mount Guerizim. And you will construct there an altar ". Thus, the Samaritans wanted to do that the Writings were supporting his(her,your) construction of a temple there same, in the Mount Guerizim. The doctrine of the Trinidad. Scarcely three hundred years had happened(passed) since the Bible had been completed, when a writer trinitario added to 1 Juan 5:7 the words " in the sky: the Father, the Verb and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one ". This affirmation was not appearing in the original text. According to the biblista Bruce Metzger, " from the sixth century in forward, [these words] are with more and more frequency in manuscripts of the Latin Version Antigua and of the Latin Vulgata ". The God's name. Being based on a Jewish superstition, many translators of the Bible decided to eliminate the divine name of the Writings. They replaced it with titles(degrees) as God oSeñor, expressions that in the Bible are used not only to refer to the Creator but also to men, to objects of false adoration and up to(even) to the Devil (Juan 10:34, 35; 1 Corinthians 8:5, 6; 2 Corinthians 4:4). * HOW IT(HE,SHE) SURVIVED THE BIBLE. Let's speak about the first factor. Though some Biblical copyists were neglected and up to(even) dishonest, many(many people) others were very skilful and meticulous. Between the centuries sixth and tenth, the masoretas copied the Hebrew Writings and created what is known as text masorético. It is said that they were counting(telling) the words and the letters to prevent them inadvertently from interfering mistakes. When it seemed to them that the text of which they were copying was containing some mistake, they were doing an annotation in the margin of the copy. The masoretas refused to alter the Biblical text. According to the teacher Moshe Goshen-Gottstein, for the masoretas, to modify intentionally the original text " was constituting, from his(her,your) point of view, the worst imaginable crime ". The second factor is that the great quantity of manuscripts that today there are the available ones helps the biblistas to detect the mistakes. For centuries, the religious leaders taught(showed) that his(her,your) versions in Latin were containing the authentic text of the Bible. Because of it they added to 1 Juan 5:7 the spurious phrase to which already we have referred in this article. This mistake up to(even) got in the prestigious translation to the Spanish Reina-Valera And from other translations they have withdrawn the incorrect phrase. Papyrus Chester Beatty P46, Biblical manuscript that dates back approximately of the year 200 of our age Papyrus Chester Beatty P46, Biblical manuscript that dates back approximately of the year 200 of our age. Do they demonstrate the manuscripts more ancient that the message of the Bible has preserved? When in 1947 the Dead Sea scrolls were situated, the scholars finally could compare the text masorético Hebrew what was appearing in these Biblical rolls thousand more ancient years. A member of the publishing equipment(team) of the Dead Sea scrolls came to the conclusion from that a roll " offers irrefutable proof that the transmission of the Biblical text throughout more than thousand years to hands of the Jewish copyists was extremely faithful and taken care ". The Library Chester Beatty of Dublin (Ireland) possesses(relies on) a collection of papyruses of almost all the books of the Greek Christian Writings, which includes some manuscripts that date back of the second century, you upset hundred years after the Bible was completed. " Though the papyruses offer abundant new information about details of the text - comments The Anchor Bible Dictionary-, also it(he,she) demonstrates an excellent stability in the transmission of the Biblical text along the history ". " It can be said with complete certainty that no other work of the antiquity(antique) has been transmitted by so many accuracy " THE RESULT. Instead of corromper the text of the Bible, the great quantity of manuscripts and the antiquity(antique) of these they have made it more valuable. " No other ancient book has so early and abundant testimonies - Sir Frederic Kenyon wrote-, and no impartial expert would deny that the text that has come to the present day is extremely trustworthy ". As for the Hebrew Writings, the scholar William Henry Green affirmed: " it can be said with complete certainty that no other work of the antiquity(antique) has been transmitted by so many accuracy ".
Il n’existe nulle part au monde un exemple de cohabitation pacifique entre peuples de cultures différentes, pour la simple raison que les races peuvent se mélanger mais pas les cultures. pour mieux comprendre et vous défendre des argumentations infondés des inquisiteurs, fachistes et Babyloniens du 21ieme siècle. Para comprender mejor y defenderte de las argumentaciones infundadas de los inquisitores ,fascistas y Babylonios del siglo
To better understand and respond more efficiently these allegations as baseless of the inquisitors, fachistes and babyloners of the 21 century.