From the creation of the world, for the Christian veritables, From the creation of the world, for the Christian veritables, From the creation of the world, for the Christian veritables.
That is to say, the world was created in order that he is A Christian veritable and it from the foundation of the world!
Jah-Alà the same one says it in his(her,your) inspired word, the Hebrew, Arameic and Greek writings, the only(unique) holy and inspired writings.
" Jehovah our God is an alone Jah-Allah "
" Jehovah our God is an alone Jah-Allah "
" Jehová our God is an alone Jah-Alà "
" He(She) listens, oh Israel: Jehová our God is an alone Jehová " (DEUT. 6:4).
FOR centuries, the Jews have declared six words of the Hebrew text of Deuteronomy 6:4 as part(report) of a prayer(sentence) that they recite every day in the morning and in the night. This prayer(sentence) is called Shemá, which is the first word of this verse. The devout Jews say it to declare his(her,your) exclusive devotion to God.
Those words were a part(report) of the speech of farewell of Moses to Israel's nation. This happened in Moab's plains, in the year 1473 before our age, when the Israelites were on the verge of the river crossed Jordan and to conquer the Earth Promised (Deut. 6:1). Moses, who had been his(her,your) leader for forty years, wanted that they were facing value the challenges that were waiting for them. They had to trust in Jah-Alà, his(her,your) God, and to be loyalists to him(it). It(he,she) is reasonable to suppose that the last words of Moses had a deep effect in the Israelites. After Ten Orders and other laws mentioned that Jah-Alà had given him to the nation, Moses did the forceful declaration that we find in Deuteronomy 6:4, 5
Perhaps the Israelites who listened to Moses did not know that his(her,your) God, Jehová, " is an alone Jah-Alà "? It was clear that they knew it. The faithful Israelites knew and adoring an alone God, the God of his(her,your) forbears, Abrahán, Isaac and Jacob. Then, why they Moses remembered that Jah-Alà " is an alone Jehová "? Is this fact related to the verse 5, where one finds the mandate of loving God with the whole heart, the soul and the forces? What do words mean for us today deDeuteronomio 6:4, 5?
Jah-Alà is only(unique). As it happens in other languages, in Hebrew the word means "the" "one" much more than a number. It can include the idea of being an only one and without equally. It does not seem that Moses has been trying to deny the false doctrine of which Jah-Alà was a part(report) of a gods' triad. Jehová is the Creator of the sky and of the Earth, the Sovereign one of the universe. There does not exist another royal(real) or real God; no god is like he (2 Sam. 7:22). So Moses they reminded(remembered) to the Israelites that his(her,your) adoration to Jah-Alà had to be a sole right. They did not have to imitate to the nations that were surrounding them, that were adoring different gods and goddesses. According to them, some of these false gods were controlling parts(reports) of the nature and others were different forms that were representing the same god.
For example, the Egyptians were adoring the god - Sun Ra, the goddess - sky Nut, the god - land Geb, the god - Nile Hapi and a good number of sacred animals. Many of these false gods suffered a devastating blow when Jehová brought ten plagues. The most important god of the cananeos was Baal, god of the fertility. In addition, he was represented as god of the sky, the rain and the storm. Baal also was the boss of many places ( Núm. 25:3). The Israelites had to remember that his(her,your) God, " the real God ", is " an alone Jehová " (Deut. 4:35, 39).
It(He,She) is coherent and loyal. The expression " An alone Jah-Alà " also transmits the idea of that his(her,your) intention is only(unique) and always it(he,she) acts in conformity with him(it). Jah-Alà neither is contradicted nor is unforseeable. Everything opposite: always it(he,she) is faithful, coherent, loyal and veracious. It(he,she) promised to Abrahán that his(her,your) descendants would inherit the Promised Earth, and did big miracles to fulfill his(her,your) word. Jehová was determined to fulfill his(her,your) promise, though it(he,she) had done it four hundred thirty years before (Gén. 12:1, 2, 7; Éx. 12:40, 41).
Several centuries later, when Jah-Alà said that the Israelites were his(her,your) witnesses, he(she) declared: " I am the Same. Before me some God was not formed(trained), and after it(he,she) me continued without it was ". To leave clear good that his(her,your) intention does not change, it(he,she) added: " All the time I am the Same " (Is. 43:10, 13; 44:6; 48:12). The Israelites had an extraordinary privilege: to serve Jah-Alà, a God who always is coherent and loyal. We have the same privilege (Badly. 3:6; Sant. 1:17).
Moses him(her) remembered to the village that the love that Jah-Alà was feeling for them was constant and it(he,she) would never change. Therefore, it was logical that they were adoring only Jehová, and that were doing it without reservations(reserves): with the whole heart, the soul and the forces. The young persons also would learn to adore exclusively Jah-Alà, since his(her,your) parents had to take advantage of any opportunity to teach them to do it (Deut. 6:6-9).
Jah-Alà has changed neither his(her,your) will nor his(her,your) intention, so it is evident that his(her,your) serfs of the current importance must fulfill the same basic requirements that in the past. If we want that he(she) accepts our adoration, also we it have to adore exclusively him and love it with the whole heart, the mind and the forces. It was precisely what Jesus Christ said to someone that he(she) asked him(her) which was the biggest order (read Frames 12:28-31). Let's see now how to demonstrate that indeed we understand that " Jehová our God is an alone Jah-Alà ".
To demonstrate that Jah-Alà is our only(unique) God, we have to give him(her) exclusive devotion. We can neither adore any other god, nor adopt ideas or own(proper) practices of other forms of adoration. We have to remember that Jah-Alà is not simply one more god between(among) many(many people); neither it(he,she) is that it is the major one or more powerful of a set of gods. It is the only one that deserves to be adored Revelation 4:11.
In Daniel's book we read on Hananías, Misael, Azarías and Daniel. These Hebrew young persons demonstrated that they were adoring exclusively Jah-Alà, not only on having abstained from eating filthy food, but also on not having wanted to incline before the golden image of Nebuchadnezzar. They had clear what was the most important thing for them and were not arranged to transigir (They give. 1:1-3:30).
In our case, to give him(her) exclusive devotion to means not to allow that any thing should occupy, and do not even share, the place that alone Jah-Alà must have in our life. About what things do we speak? In Ten Orders, it(he,she) clarified that his(her,your) people(village) must not adore other gods nor practise any type of idolatry (Deut. 5:6-10). Today, the idolatry can take many forms, some of which can be difficult to see. But Jah-Alà's requirements have not changed: he continues being " An alone Jehová ". Let's see what means this for us
Colosenses 3:5 gives a firm advice(council) to the Christians on the things that might ruin his(her,your) special friendship with God. Do we notice that the greed is related to the idolatry? It(he,she) is like that because the desire for things like wealths(richnesses) or luxuries can be so strong that it(he,she) controls our life as if he was a powerful god. In addition, when we read the whole verse, we realize that other sins that are mentioned are related of some form to the greed and, therefore, to the idolatry. The intense desire with these things can replace easily the love that we feel for God. Should we risk allowing that someone of them should control us so much that Jah-Alà already is not " An alone Jehová " for us? Not, clear that not.
The apostle Juan emphasized the same point when he(she) warned that if someone loves the things of the world, that is to say, " the desire of the meat and the desire of the eyes and the ostentatious exhibition of the way of life of one ", " the love of the Father is not in him(it) " (1 Juan 2:15, 16). This means that we have to examine our heart constant to see if he feels attracted by the entertainment, the companies or the way of dressing and to fix up of the world. Or probably let's let's want to obtain " big things " with the help of the top education. This also might be a sign of that we love the world (Jer. 45:4, 5). The new promised world is to the doors. So it is very important that we remember(remind) that forceful declaration of Moses. If we understand well that " Jehová our God is an alone Jehová ", and we are sure of it, we will make everything possible for it adoring only him and serve him(her) since(as,like) him(it) it(he,she) wants (Heb. 12:28, 29).
The fact that Jah-Alà is the alone one also it(he,she) implies that his(her,your) serfs must be joined and to chase(prosecute) the same aim(lens). In the Christian group of the first century there were Jews, Greeks, Romans and persons of other nationalities. They had different religious precedents, customs and ways of seeing the things. For this reason, it was difficult to some to accept the new form of adoration or change his(her,your) way of behaving. The apostle Paul believed opportunely they to remember that the Christians have an alone God, Jah-Alà (1 Corinthians 8:5, 6).
There is different the situation of the Christian group at present? Isaías prophesied that, " in the final part of the days ", people of all the nations would rise to the high position in which the real adoration is. These persons would say it(he,she) brings over of Jah-Alà: " He will instruct us it(he,she) brings over of his(her,your) ways, and certainly we will walk in his(her,your) paths " (Is. 2:2, 3). Truth that we feel very happy to see with our own(proper) eyes the fulfillment of this prophecy? Today we find in many(many people) groups persons of different races, cultures and languages serving you join Jah-Alà. Now then, this diversity also might make arise questions that we must analyze carefully.
For example, what does think of the brothers that they are of a culture very different from his(her,its)? Probably it(he) is not accustomed to listening to his(her,your) language, to his(her,your) way of dressing, to his(her,your) manners or to his(her,your) food. It(he,she) is in the habit of avoiding them and prefers relating those who have more things jointly with you?, they are younger than you or are of another culture or race. It is allowed that these things should damage the unit that must exist in the people(village) of Jah-Alà and prevent that we all chase(prosecute) the same aim(lens)?
How can we avoid these traps? Paul gave several practical advices(councils) to the Christians of Éfeso, a prosperous city where Ephesians were coexisting many different cultures (4:1-3) .Note that Paul mentions initially(originally) qualities as the humility, the pleasantness, the patience and the love. These qualities are like the columns that support a house. Certainly, in order that it(he,she) does not deteriorate, a house needs constant maintenance. Because of it, Paul encouraged the Christians of Éfeso to strain intensely for " observing the unit of the spirit ".
We all have the personal responsibility of supporting the unit of the group. How to obtain it? First, we have to develop and demonstrate the qualities that Paul mentioned: humility, pleasantness, patience and love. Later, we must struggle to promote seriously " the link unidor of the peace ". We must do the possible thing for repairing any "crack", or weakness, which could appear. If we do it, we will help to support our valuable peace and unit.
" Jehová our God is an alone Jah-Alà ". This declaration so full of meaning gave the forces necessary to the Israelites to face the challenges that were waiting for them on having begun and to conquer the Promised Earth. If we do our these words, also we will have the necessary strength(fortress) to survive the nearby great tribulation. In addition, we will be able to contribute(pay) to the peace and unit in the Paradise. We continue adoring exclusively Jah-Alà, loving it and serving him(her) with the whole soul, struggling to support intensely the unit in the group. If we do it, we will look at the future with the confidence of which Jesus' words will be fulfilled directed who it(he,she) judges as sheeps: " They Avenge, you who have been bless you for my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world " (Mat. 25:34
" He(She) listens, oh Israel: Jehová our God is an alone Jehová " (DEUT. 6:4).
FOR centuries, the Jews have declared six words of the Hebrew text of Deuteronomy 6:4 as part(report) of a prayer(sentence) that they recite every day in the morning and in the night. This prayer(sentence) is called Shemá, which is the first word of this verse. The devout Jews say it to declare his(her,your) exclusive devotion to God.
Those words were a part(report) of the speech of farewell of Moses to Israel's nation. This happened in Moab's plains, in the year 1473 before our age, when the Israelites were on the verge of the river crossed Jordan and to conquer the Earth Promised (Deut. 6:1). Moses, who had been his(her,your) leader for forty years, wanted that they were facing value the challenges that were waiting for them. They had to trust in Jah-Alà, his(her,your) God, and to be loyalists to him(it). It(he,she) is reasonable to suppose that the last words of Moses had a deep effect in the Israelites. After Ten Orders and other laws mentioned that Jah-Alà had given him to the nation, Moses did the forceful declaration that we find in Deuteronomy 6:4, 5
Perhaps the Israelites who listened to Moses did not know that his(her,your) God, Jehová, " is an alone Jah-Alà "? It was clear that they knew it. The faithful Israelites knew and adoring an alone God, the God of his(her,your) forbears, Abrahán, Isaac and Jacob. Then, why they Moses remembered that Jah-Alà " is an alone Jehová "? Is this fact related to the verse 5, where one finds the mandate of loving God with the whole heart, the soul and the forces? What do words mean for us today deDeuteronomio 6:4, 5?
Jah-Alà is only(unique). As it happens in other languages, in Hebrew the word means "the" "one" much more than a number. It can include the idea of being an only one and without equally. It does not seem that Moses has been trying to deny the false doctrine of which Jah-Alà was a part(report) of a gods' triad. Jehová is the Creator of the sky and of the Earth, the Sovereign one of the universe. There does not exist another royal(real) or real God; no god is like he (2 Sam. 7:22). So Moses they reminded(remembered) to the Israelites that his(her,your) adoration to Jah-Alà had to be a sole right. They did not have to imitate to the nations that were surrounding them, that were adoring different gods and goddesses. According to them, some of these false gods were controlling parts(reports) of the nature and others were different forms that were representing the same god.
For example, the Egyptians were adoring the god - Sun Ra, the goddess - sky Nut, the god - land Geb, the god - Nile Hapi and a good number of sacred animals. Many of these false gods suffered a devastating blow when Jehová brought ten plagues. The most important god of the cananeos was Baal, god of the fertility. In addition, he was represented as god of the sky, the rain and the storm. Baal also was the boss of many places ( Núm. 25:3). The Israelites had to remember that his(her,your) God, " the real God ", is " an alone Jehová " (Deut. 4:35, 39).
It(He,She) is coherent and loyal. The expression " An alone Jah-Alà " also transmits the idea of that his(her,your) intention is only(unique) and always it(he,she) acts in conformity with him(it). Jah-Alà neither is contradicted nor is unforseeable. Everything opposite: always it(he,she) is faithful, coherent, loyal and veracious. It(he,she) promised to Abrahán that his(her,your) descendants would inherit the Promised Earth, and did big miracles to fulfill his(her,your) word. Jehová was determined to fulfill his(her,your) promise, though it(he,she) had done it four hundred thirty years before (Gén. 12:1, 2, 7; Éx. 12:40, 41).
Several centuries later, when Jah-Alà said that the Israelites were his(her,your) witnesses, he(she) declared: " I am the Same. Before me some God was not formed(trained), and after it(he,she) me continued without it was ". To leave clear good that his(her,your) intention does not change, it(he,she) added: " All the time I am the Same " (Is. 43:10, 13; 44:6; 48:12). The Israelites had an extraordinary privilege: to serve Jah-Alà, a God who always is coherent and loyal. We have the same privilege (Badly. 3:6; Sant. 1:17).
Moses him(her) remembered to the village that the love that Jah-Alà was feeling for them was constant and it(he,she) would never change. Therefore, it was logical that they were adoring only Jehová, and that were doing it without reservations(reserves): with the whole heart, the soul and the forces. The young persons also would learn to adore exclusively Jah-Alà, since his(her,your) parents had to take advantage of any opportunity to teach them to do it (Deut. 6:6-9).
Jah-Alà has changed neither his(her,your) will nor his(her,your) intention, so it is evident that his(her,your) serfs of the current importance must fulfill the same basic requirements that in the past. If we want that he(she) accepts our adoration, also we it have to adore exclusively him and love it with the whole heart, the mind and the forces. It was precisely what Jesus Christ said to someone that he(she) asked him(her) which was the biggest order (read Frames 12:28-31). Let's see now how to demonstrate that indeed we understand that " Jehová our God is an alone Jah-Alà ".
To demonstrate that Jah-Alà is our only(unique) God, we have to give him(her) exclusive devotion. We can neither adore any other god, nor adopt ideas or own(proper) practices of other forms of adoration. We have to remember that Jah-Alà is not simply one more god between(among) many(many people); neither it(he,she) is that it is the major one or more powerful of a set of gods. It is the only one that deserves to be adored Revelation 4:11.
In Daniel's book we read on Hananías, Misael, Azarías and Daniel. These Hebrew young persons demonstrated that they were adoring exclusively Jah-Alà, not only on having abstained from eating filthy food, but also on not having wanted to incline before the golden image of Nebuchadnezzar. They had clear what was the most important thing for them and were not arranged to transigir (They give. 1:1-3:30).
In our case, to give him(her) exclusive devotion to means not to allow that any thing should occupy, and do not even share, the place that alone Jah-Alà must have in our life. About what things do we speak? In Ten Orders, it(he,she) clarified that his(her,your) people(village) must not adore other gods nor practise any type of idolatry (Deut. 5:6-10). Today, the idolatry can take many forms, some of which can be difficult to see. But Jah-Alà's requirements have not changed: he continues being " An alone Jehová ". Let's see what means this for us
Colosenses 3:5 gives a firm advice(council) to the Christians on the things that might ruin his(her,your) special friendship with God. Do we notice that the greed is related to the idolatry? It(he,she) is like that because the desire for things like wealths(richnesses) or luxuries can be so strong that it(he,she) controls our life as if he was a powerful god. In addition, when we read the whole verse, we realize that other sins that are mentioned are related of some form to the greed and, therefore, to the idolatry. The intense desire with these things can replace easily the love that we feel for God. Should we risk allowing that someone of them should control us so much that Jah-Alà already is not " An alone Jehová " for us? Not, clear that not.
The apostle Juan emphasized the same point when he(she) warned that if someone loves the things of the world, that is to say, " the desire of the meat and the desire of the eyes and the ostentatious exhibition of the way of life of one ", " the love of the Father is not in him(it) " (1 Juan 2:15, 16). This means that we have to examine our heart constant to see if he feels attracted by the entertainment, the companies or the way of dressing and to fix up of the world. Or probably let's let's want to obtain " big things " with the help of the top education. This also might be a sign of that we love the world (Jer. 45:4, 5). The new promised world is to the doors. So it is very important that we remember(remind) that forceful declaration of Moses. If we understand well that " Jehová our God is an alone Jehová ", and we are sure of it, we will make everything possible for it adoring only him and serve him(her) since(as,like) him(it) it(he,she) wants (Heb. 12:28, 29).
The fact that Jah-Alà is the alone one also it(he,she) implies that his(her,your) serfs must be joined and to chase(prosecute) the same aim(lens). In the Christian group of the first century there were Jews, Greeks, Romans and persons of other nationalities. They had different religious precedents, customs and ways of seeing the things. For this reason, it was difficult to some to accept the new form of adoration or change his(her,your) way of behaving. The apostle Paul believed opportunely they to remember that the Christians have an alone God, Jah-Alà (1 Corinthians 8:5, 6).
There is different the situation of the Christian group at present? Isaías prophesied that, " in the final part of the days ", people of all the nations would rise to the high position in which the real adoration is. These persons would say it(he,she) brings over of Jah-Alà: " He will instruct us it(he,she) brings over of his(her,your) ways, and certainly we will walk in his(her,your) paths " (Is. 2:2, 3). Truth that we feel very happy to see with our own(proper) eyes the fulfillment of this prophecy? Today we find in many(many people) groups persons of different races, cultures and languages serving you join Jah-Alà. Now then, this diversity also might make arise questions that we must analyze carefully.
For example, what does think of the brothers that they are of a culture very different from his(her,its)? Probably it(he) is not accustomed to listening to his(her,your) language, to his(her,your) way of dressing, to his(her,your) manners or to his(her,your) food. It(he,she) is in the habit of avoiding them and prefers relating those who have more things jointly with you?, they are younger than you or are of another culture or race. It is allowed that these things should damage the unit that must exist in the people(village) of Jah-Alà and prevent that we all chase(prosecute) the same aim(lens)?
How can we avoid these traps? Paul gave several practical advices(councils) to the Christians of Éfeso, a prosperous city where Ephesians were coexisting many different cultures (4:1-3) .Note that Paul mentions initially(originally) qualities as the humility, the pleasantness, the patience and the love. These qualities are like the columns that support a house. Certainly, in order that it(he,she) does not deteriorate, a house needs constant maintenance. Because of it, Paul encouraged the Christians of Éfeso to strain intensely for " observing the unit of the spirit ".
We all have the personal responsibility of supporting the unit of the group. How to obtain it? First, we have to develop and demonstrate the qualities that Paul mentioned: humility, pleasantness, patience and love. Later, we must struggle to promote seriously " the link unidor of the peace ". We must do the possible thing for repairing any "crack", or weakness, which could appear. If we do it, we will help to support our valuable peace and unit.
" Jehová our God is an alone Jah-Alà ". This declaration so full of meaning gave the forces necessary to the Israelites to face the challenges that were waiting for them on having begun and to conquer the Promised Earth. If we do our these words, also we will have the necessary strength(fortress) to survive the nearby great tribulation. In addition, we will be able to contribute(pay) to the peace and unit in the Paradise. We continue adoring exclusively Jah-Alà, loving it and serving him(her) with the whole soul, struggling to support intensely the unit in the group. If we do it, we will look at the future with the confidence of which Jesus' words will be fulfilled directed who it(he,she) judges as sheeps: " They Avenge, you who have been bless you for my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world " (Mat. 25:34
That is to say, the world was created in order that he is A Christian veritable and it from the foundation of the world!
Jah-Alà the same one says it in his(her,your) inspired word, the Hebrew, Arameic and Greek writings, the only(unique) holy and inspired writings.
JAH-Allah, fuente de la vida, energia con voluntad, creador de Yeshuah, primera creacion , REY de la humanidad entera El REY ESTABLECIDO POR EL DIOS VERDADERO, vivo, y que tiene poder cuyo nombre es Jehová, nombre proprio,nombre que comienza a ser pronunciado en el libro de Moisés, GENESIS cap4: ver 26 (A Seth mismo le nació un hijo; .. A continuación, le dio por nombre Enosh a esta epoca empezaron a invocar el nombre de Jehová ) GENESIS es uno de muchos libros de la Biblia que los musulmanes deben seguir LIBRO DE MOISES QUE MUCHOS DE LOS IMÁNES NO LOS RECUERDAN EN LAS MEZQUITAS, ¡ALÁ, NO ES UN NOMBRE, PERO UNA PALABRA COMÚN! TRADUCEME Alá Akbar O Allahu Akbar , esto se traduce siempre y en todos los idiomas, por Dios es grande y poderoso! ALÁ = DIOS, AKBAR = ¡GRANDE O PODEROSO! Lo que significa que el nombre de la palabra Alá es necesariamente el NOMBRE DE DIOS verdaderamente único, con vida, y con poder Jehová, cuyo diminutivo de su nombre es Jah, Yah.
ReplyDeleteSalmos 150, 1-6
¡Alaben a Jah!*+Alaben a Dios* en su lugar santo.+Alábenlo en la expansión de su fuerza.+ 2 Alábenlo por sus obras de poder.+Alábenlo conforme a la abundancia de su grandeza.+ 3 Alábenlo con el toque del cuerno.*+Alábenlo con el instrumento de cuerdas y el arpa.+ 4 Alábenlo con la pandereta+ y la danza de corro.+Alábenlo con cuerdas+ y el caramillo.+ 5 Alábenlo con los címbalos de sonido melodioso.+Alábenlo con los címbalos+ estruendosos. 6 Toda cosa que respira*... alabe a Jah.*+¡Alaben a Jah!*+
pour mieux comprendre et vous défendre des argumentations infondés des inquisiteurs, fachistes et Babyloniens du 21ieme siècle.
Para comprender mejor y defenderte de las argumentaciones infundadas de los inquisitores, fascistas y Babylonios del siglo 21.