10 The Holy writings it(he,she) teaches(shows) that Jesus lived in the sky before coming to the Earth. For example, beside predicting that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, the prophet Miqueas indicated that his(her,your) origin took place in " early times " (Miqueas 5:2). In fact, the own(proper) Jesus said in many occasions that before being born as man it(he,she) had lived in the sky (Juan 3:13; 6:38, 62; 17:4, 5). There it was a spiritual creature that he(she) was enjoying a special relation with Jah.
11 For many reasons, Jesus is the most dear son of Jehová. The Holy writings it(he,she) is called it " the primocreado of the whole creation ", since it was the first thing that God created (Colosenses 1:15). * Another thing that makes it special is the fact of being the " Son unicreado " (Juan 3:16). This means that it is the only one whom God created directly. Also it is the only one that collaborated with Jah in the creation of all other things (Colosenses 1:16). In addition, there is called he " the Word " (Juan 1:14). This title(degree) shows that he was the manager of speaking in name of his(her,your) Father. Surely it(he,she) was giving messages and instructions to other children of God, both to angels and to human beings.
12 he is the Son primocreado equally to God, since some of them believe? It is not what teaches(shows) the Holy writings. Since we saw in the previous paragraph, the Son was created. Therefore, it is obvious that it(he,she) had a beginning(principle), whereas Jah has neither beginning(principle) nor end(purpose) (Psalm 90:2). To the Son unicreado it did not even happen to try to be equal to his(her,your) Father. The Holy writings it(he,she) teaches(shows) clearly that the Father is major that the Son (Juan 14:28; 1 Corinthians 11:3). Alone Jah is the " All-powerful God " (Genesis 17:1). Consequently, it(he,she) does not have equally.
13 Jah and his(her,your) Son primocreado enjoyed a very narrow relation during million and million of years, a long before the creation of the stars and the Earth. What great love they owe of having been had! (Juan 3:35; 14:31.) East dear Son was like his(her,your) Father. For this reason, the Holy writings he(she) says that it is " the image of the invisible God " (Colosenses 1:15). In effect, like the children are in the habit of looking like his(her,your) parents of many ways, this celestial Son of God also was reflecting the qualities and the personality of his(her,your) Father.
14 The Son unicreado of Jah left voluntarily the sky to come to the Earth and to be a man. But probably you wonder: " how it was possible that a spirit was born like to be a human being? ". Well then, Jah realized a miracle. It(he,she) did that the life of his(her,your) Son primocreado, that was in the sky, was going on to the counterfoil of a Jewish virgin called Maria. Since no human father intervened, she(it) gave birth a perfect son, whom there put for name Jesus (Lucas 1:30-35).
WHEREFROM DID JESUS COME?10 The Holy writings it(he,she) teaches(shows) that Jesus lived in the sky before coming to the Earth. For example, beside predicting that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, the prophet Miqueas indicated that his(her,your) origin took place in " early times " (Miqueas 5:2). In fact, the own(proper) Jesus said in many occasions that before being born as man it(he,she) had lived in the sky (Juan 3:13; 6:38, 62; 17:4, 5). There it was a spiritual creature that he(she) was enjoying a special relation with Jah.
11 For many reasons, Jesus is the most dear son of Jehová. The Holy writings it(he,she) is called it " the primocreado of the whole creation ", since it was the first thing that God created (Colosenses 1:15). * Another thing that makes it special is the fact of being the " Son unicreado " (Juan 3:16). This means that it is the only one whom God created directly. Also it is the only one that collaborated with Jah in the creation of all other things (Colosenses 1:16). In addition, there is called he " the Word " (Juan 1:14). This title(degree) shows that he was the manager of speaking in name of his(her,your) Father. Surely it(he,she) was giving messages and instructions to other children of God, both to angels and to human beings.
12 he is the Son primocreado equally to God, since some of them believe? It is not what teaches(shows) the Holy writings. Since we saw in the previous paragraph, the Son was created. Therefore, it is obvious that it(he,she) had a beginning(principle), whereas Jah has neither beginning(principle) nor end(purpose) (Psalm 90:2). To the Son unicreado it did not even happen to try to be equal to his(her,your) Father. The Holy writings it(he,she) teaches(shows) clearly that the Father is major that the Son (Juan 14:28; 1 Corinthians 11:3). Alone Jah is the " All-powerful God " (Genesis 17:1). Consequently, it(he,she) does not have equally.
13 Jah and his(her,your) Son primocreado enjoyed a very narrow relation during million and million of years, a long before the creation of the stars and the Earth. What great love they owe of having been had! (Juan 3:35; 14:31.) East dear Son was like his(her,your) Father. For this reason, the Holy writings he(she) says that it is " the image of the invisible God " (Colosenses 1:15). In effect, like the children are in the habit of looking like his(her,your) parents of many ways, this celestial Son of God also was reflecting the qualities and the personality of his(her,your) Father.
14 The Son unicreado of Jah left voluntarily the sky to come to the Earth and to be a man. But probably you wonder: " how it was possible that a spirit was born like to be a human being? ". Well then, Jah realized a miracle. It(he,she) did that the life of his(her,your) Son primocreado, that was in the sky, was going on to the counterfoil of a Jewish virgin called Maria. Since no human father intervened, she(it) gave birth a perfect son, whom there put for name Jesus (Lucas 1:30-35).
Our readers want to know
Is he Jesus the archangel Michael?
? Yes, it(he,she) it is. In Biblical times, as in many cultures of the current importance, it was common enough to call a person by several names. For example, the patriarch Jacob also it was known as Israel (Genesis 35:10). And the apostle Pedro had five different names: Symeón, Simón, Pedro, Cefas and Simón Pedro (Mateo 10:2; 16:16; Juan 1:42; Facts 15:7, 14). Now then, how can we be so sure that Michael is another Jesus' name? Let's see the following Biblical tests(proofs).
The name Michael appears five times in the Bible recounted to a powerful spiritual being. Three of them are in Daniel's book. In Daniel 10:13, 21 we read that Michael is " one of the prominent princes " and " the prince of you ", and that came to the rescue of certain angel that was situated in problems during a mission. Then, in Daniel 12:1 we learn on that in the time of the end(purpose) " there will put of foot Michael, the great prince who is planted in favour of the children of your people(village) ".
Later it(he,she) returns to mention Michael in Revelation (Apocalypse) 12:7, where it is said that " Michael and his(her,your) angels fought " in the war that it(he,she) finished with the expulsion of Satan and his(her,your) demons of the sky.
Notice that in each of the previous cases Michael is represented as a warlike angel that fights for the people(village) of God and the major enemy of Jah protects it, even opposite to Satan.
In the verse 9 of Judas also Michael is mentioned and says that he is " the archangel ". The prefix arc - means "principally" or "chief", and the word archangel is never used in plural in the Bible. Only there is another passage(ticket) in the Writings where this term(end) is in use, and Tesalonicenses is en1 4:16, where Paul refers to Jesus already revived of the following way: " The Gentleman [Jesus himself] will descend from the sky with an imperative call, with archangel's voice and with God's trumpet ". So that here Jesus Christ is identified as the archangel, or chief of the angels.
In view of the previous thing, to what conclusion do we come? That Jesus is Michael the archangel. Both names emphasize his(her,your) paper(role) as the principal defender of the God's sovereignty, since Michael means " the one who Is Like A God? ", and Jesus means " Jah Is A Salvation ". Filipenses 2:9 declares: " God ensalzó [] to a top position(place) and kindly it(he,she) gave to Jesus Christ the name that is over everything another name ".
It is important to indicate that Jesus' human birth was not the beginning of his(her,your) existence. The angel that visited Maria reported that his(her,your) son - to whom it(he,she) had to be call Jesus - would be conceived by means of the Holy Spirit (Lucas 1:31). The own(proper) Jesus often spoke during his(her,your) department of his(her,your) existence prehumana (Juan 3:13; 8:23, 58).
So that the archangel Michael is Jesus before coming to the Earth. Later that revived and returned to the sky, Jesus took again his(her,your) service as Michael, the chief of the angels, " for the God's glory the Father " (Filipenses 2:11).
Is he Jesus the archangel Michael?
? Yes, it(he,she) it is. In Biblical times, as in many cultures of the current importance, it was common enough to call a person by several names. For example, the patriarch Jacob also it was known as Israel (Genesis 35:10). And the apostle Pedro had five different names: Symeón, Simón, Pedro, Cefas and Simón Pedro (Mateo 10:2; 16:16; Juan 1:42; Facts 15:7, 14). Now then, how can we be so sure that Michael is another Jesus' name? Let's see the following Biblical tests(proofs).
The name Michael appears five times in the Bible recounted to a powerful spiritual being. Three of them are in Daniel's book. In Daniel 10:13, 21 we read that Michael is " one of the prominent princes " and " the prince of you ", and that came to the rescue of certain angel that was situated in problems during a mission. Then, in Daniel 12:1 we learn on that in the time of the end(purpose) " there will put of foot Michael, the great prince who is planted in favour of the children of your people(village) ".
Later it(he,she) returns to mention Michael in Revelation (Apocalypse) 12:7, where it is said that " Michael and his(her,your) angels fought " in the war that it(he,she) finished with the expulsion of Satan and his(her,your) demons of the sky.
Notice that in each of the previous cases Michael is represented as a warlike angel that fights for the people(village) of God and the major enemy of Jah protects it, even opposite to Satan.
In the verse 9 of Judas also Michael is mentioned and says that he is " the archangel ". The prefix arc - means "principally" or "chief", and the word archangel is never used in plural in the Bible. Only there is another passage(ticket) in the Writings where this term(end) is in use, and Tesalonicenses is en1 4:16, where Paul refers to Jesus already revived of the following way: " The Gentleman [Jesus himself] will descend from the sky with an imperative call, with archangel's voice and with God's trumpet ". So that here Jesus Christ is identified as the archangel, or chief of the angels.
In view of the previous thing, to what conclusion do we come? That Jesus is Michael the archangel. Both names emphasize his(her,your) paper(role) as the principal defender of the God's sovereignty, since Michael means " the one who Is Like A God? ", and Jesus means " Jah Is A Salvation ". Filipenses 2:9 declares: " God ensalzó [] to a top position(place) and kindly it(he,she) gave to Jesus Christ the name that is over everything another name ".
It is important to indicate that Jesus' human birth was not the beginning of his(her,your) existence. The angel that visited Maria reported that his(her,your) son - to whom it(he,she) had to be call Jesus - would be conceived by means of the Holy Spirit (Lucas 1:31). The own(proper) Jesus often spoke during his(her,your) department of his(her,your) existence prehumana (Juan 3:13; 8:23, 58).
So that the archangel Michael is Jesus before coming to the Earth. Later that revived and returned to the sky, Jesus took again his(her,your) service as Michael, the chief of the angels, " for the God's glory the Father " (Filipenses 2:11).
Quand on parle de l’Islam comme une religion de vérité, de paix et d’amour, eh bien je me demande comment—s’ils ne peuvent même pas supporter ceux qui croient réellement en Celui dont tous les prophètes ont parlé ?
ReplyDeleteJah-Allah sees everything, all the time, he knows your every thought, whoever you are. The non-associative Christians, his messengers do only one thing, obey the God of the Torah. They bring you with love his prescriptions, which you accept or reject. It is your own actions that condemn you, Jah-Jehovah look at you and know your every interest, you can not hide anything from whoever you are. All men under the sun are under his ordinances, all men under the sun, are under his implacable impartiality. All men under the sun are under his watchful eye, whether you are small or tall Station at the day of judgment, repent as long as there is still time, abandon all that spreads lies and violence, lay down the weapons. Where there are weapons and violence, there is no God. He who does not love his neighbor whom he sees, can not love God whom he does not see. pour mieux comprendre et vous défendre des argumentations infondés des inquisiteurs, fachistes et Babyloniens du 21ieme siècle. Para comprender mejor y defenderte de las argumentaciones infundadas de los inquisitores ,fascistas y Babylonios del siglo 21.