Did apostle Paul prohibit that the women should speak?
The apostle Paul recommended that " the women guard [plough] silence in the groups.
" (1 Corinthians 14:34). What did want to say? Was considering he that they did not have the necessary intelligence to teach(show)? It could not be it, since often he(she) praised his(her,your) labor of evangelización (2 Timoteo 1:5; Titus 2:3-5). In one of his(her,your) letters the Corinthians, Paul advised - not only the women, but also to whom they had the gift of languages and of prophesying - that were guarding silence when I christen other one he(she) was speaking (1 Corinthians 14:26-30, 33).
*Puede that you christen some, filled with enthusiasm with what they were learning, they were interrupting the speaker to do questions, since he(she) was getting used to do in this part of the world. Because of it, in order to support the order, Paul encouraged them to " interrog [ar] to his(her,your) own(proper) spouses in house " (1 Corinthians 14:35).
Jah-god respects and values the woman
Jah-Allah respects and values the woman
Jah-Alà respects and values the woman
WHILE Jesus the prophet of the prophets was in the Earth, reflected to the perfection the personality and the way of acting of his(her,your) celestial Creator. " I do not do anything for my own(proper) initiatory; but I speak these things as well as the Father has taught(showed) me ", it(he,she) made clear. And it(he,she) added: " I always do the things that please him " (Juan 8:28, 29; Colosenses 1:15). This way so(then), if we want to do an idea to us of what Jah-Alà thinks of the women and of how he(she) wishes to treat them, nothing better that to analyze the example of the prophet of the prophets Jesus.
Diverse experts of the Gospels have concluded that Jesus' attitude towards the woman is, as minimum, innovative. In what sense? And more importantly still(yet), is it possible that his(her,your) educations have some liberating effect in the women of the current importance?
How there treated Jesus, that prophet, that other prophets owe obedience to him(her), to the women
WHILE Jesus the prophet of the prophets was in the Earth, reflected to the perfection the personality and the way of acting of his(her,your) celestial Creator. " I do not do anything for my own(proper) initiatory; but I speak these things as well as the Father has taught(showed) me ", it(he,she) made clear. And it(he,she) added: " I always do the things that please him " (Juan 8:28, 29; Colosenses 1:15). This way so(then), if we want to do an idea to us of what Jah-Alà thinks of the women and of how he(she) wishes to treat them, nothing better that to analyze the example of the prophet of the prophets Jesus.
Diverse experts of the Gospels have concluded that Jesus' attitude towards the woman is, as minimum, innovative. In what sense? And more importantly still(yet), is it possible that his(her,your) educations have some liberating effect in the women of the current importance?
How there treated Jesus, that prophet, that other prophets owe obedience to him(her), to the women
Jesus was not considering them to be sexual objects. For many religious Jewish leaders, the women were a dangerous source(fountain) of temptations and any contact with them could lead to the lust. Of there that were prohibiting them to speak with men publicly or to go out without the head be covering. Nevertheless, Jesus - Michael never hinted that it was necessary to exclude them from the social life. Rather, it(he,she) taught(showed) that the men had to control his(her,your) carnal(full) desires and treat them with respect (Mateo 5:28).
In another occasion he(she) said: " Anyone that one divorces of his(her,your) wife and should marry other one it(he,she) commits adultery against her(it) " (Frames 10:11, 12). Obviously, The prophet of the prophets was not agreeing with rabbinical so common idea at the time of that the men could divorce " for all luck of motive " (Mateo 19:3, 9). The majority of the Jews had a wrong concept of the adultery. They did not believe that a man was adulterous for going to bed with a woman who was not his(her,your) wife. According to the rabbis, only the women were never unfaithful, the men. As certain Biblical comment explains, " Jesus, on having put the husband under the same moral obligations that his(her,your) wife, raised the level and the dignity of the woman ".
I am of benefit for the current women: In the groups of veritables Christians, the women relate to the males sure of that they neither will look at them of inappropriate form they them will not even treat with excessive familiarity. The Christian men are brightened for treating " to the women of more age as(like) to mothers, to those of fewer age as(like) to sisters, with all chastity " (1 Timoteo 5:2).
In another occasion he(she) said: " Anyone that one divorces of his(her,your) wife and should marry other one it(he,she) commits adultery against her(it) " (Frames 10:11, 12). Obviously, The prophet of the prophets was not agreeing with rabbinical so common idea at the time of that the men could divorce " for all luck of motive " (Mateo 19:3, 9). The majority of the Jews had a wrong concept of the adultery. They did not believe that a man was adulterous for going to bed with a woman who was not his(her,your) wife. According to the rabbis, only the women were never unfaithful, the men. As certain Biblical comment explains, " Jesus, on having put the husband under the same moral obligations that his(her,your) wife, raised the level and the dignity of the woman ".
I am of benefit for the current women: In the groups of veritables Christians, the women relate to the males sure of that they neither will look at them of inappropriate form they them will not even treat with excessive familiarity. The Christian men are brightened for treating " to the women of more age as(like) to mothers, to those of fewer age as(like) to sisters, with all chastity " (1 Timoteo 5:2).
Jesus-Yeshouah dedicated time to instructing them. The rabbis of that one at the time were pleading for supporting the women in the ignorance. In contrast, Jesus dedicated time to teaching(showing) the truth to them and encouraged them to express what they were thinking. In addition, he(she) did not believe that it was necessary to relegate them to being employed at the kitchen(cuisine). It(he,she) demonstrated it when in certain occasion he(she) did not deny to Maria the opportunity to learn (Lucas 10:38-42). And the well-considered well answers that Martha - the sister of Maria - gave to Jesus after Lázaro's death reveal that she(it) also extracted profit of the Christian educations (Juan 11:21-27).
Jesus the first one and mas important prophet was worrying about educating the women. The majority of the beans of his(her,your) time were giving value to have very much a son that a prophet was turning into someone importantly, especially. Because of it, when a woman said to him(her) " happy it is the counterfoil that took you ", he was useful to teach(show) him(her) that he is a more valuable being obedient to God (Lucas 11:27, 28). This way it(he,she) demonstrated that the women had tasks more important than those that there was imposing on them the tradition (Juan 8:32).
I am of benefit for the current women: In the Christian group, the comments of the women during the meetings are very well received. The teachers respect the women with Christian maturity that, publicly and privately, they are exemplary, " teachers of what is good " (Titus 2:3). Also they possess(rely on) them to announce the good new ones on Jah-Alà's Kingdom (Psalm 68:11; " did apostle Paul prohibit that the women should speak? ", in the page 9).
Jesus the first one and mas important prophet was worrying about educating the women. The majority of the beans of his(her,your) time were giving value to have very much a son that a prophet was turning into someone importantly, especially. Because of it, when a woman said to him(her) " happy it is the counterfoil that took you ", he was useful to teach(show) him(her) that he is a more valuable being obedient to God (Lucas 11:27, 28). This way it(he,she) demonstrated that the women had tasks more important than those that there was imposing on them the tradition (Juan 8:32).
I am of benefit for the current women: In the Christian group, the comments of the women during the meetings are very well received. The teachers respect the women with Christian maturity that, publicly and privately, they are exemplary, " teachers of what is good " (Titus 2:3). Also they possess(rely on) them to announce the good new ones on Jah-Alà's Kingdom (Psalm 68:11; " did apostle Paul prohibit that the women should speak? ", in the page 9).
Jesus the prophet of the prophets was valuing the women. For Biblical times the children were valued more males. The own(proper) Talmud was saying: " Happy of the one that has children males, and poor devil of the one that has women ". A daughter was a heavy load for some parents: they had to find him spouse and pay the ability, and could not rely on that it(he,she) should take care of them in his(her,your) oldness.
On the other hand, Jesus - Michael was valuing so much the life of a girl as that of a child. As it(he,she) revived the son of the widow of Naín, revived the daughter of Jairo (Frames 5:35, 41, 42; Lucas 7:11-15). In another occasion he(she) treated to a woman who was suffering due to " a spirit of weakness from it(he,she) was doing eighteen years ". Even it(he,she) her(it) called " daughter of Abrahán ", an expression almost not known in the Judaic writings (Lucas 13:10-16). With appellative worthy(worth) and affectionate this one it(he,she) demonstrated that, beside recognizing the women as full members of the company(society), he(she) was respecting his(her,your) deep faith (Lucas 19:9; Gálatas 3:7).
I am of benefit for the current women: According to certain Asian saying, to produce a daughter is like to water the garden of the neighbor. Nevertheless, the Christian loving father is not left to go for this way of thinking. On the contrary, it(he,she) takes care well of all his(her,your) children, be children or girls, and he(she) makes sure himself(herself) that should receive the education and the medical due attention.
Jesus entrusted to Maria Magdalena the task of announcing his(her,your) resurrection to the apostles
On the other hand, Jesus - Michael was valuing so much the life of a girl as that of a child. As it(he,she) revived the son of the widow of Naín, revived the daughter of Jairo (Frames 5:35, 41, 42; Lucas 7:11-15). In another occasion he(she) treated to a woman who was suffering due to " a spirit of weakness from it(he,she) was doing eighteen years ". Even it(he,she) her(it) called " daughter of Abrahán ", an expression almost not known in the Judaic writings (Lucas 13:10-16). With appellative worthy(worth) and affectionate this one it(he,she) demonstrated that, beside recognizing the women as full members of the company(society), he(she) was respecting his(her,your) deep faith (Lucas 19:9; Gálatas 3:7).
I am of benefit for the current women: According to certain Asian saying, to produce a daughter is like to water the garden of the neighbor. Nevertheless, the Christian loving father is not left to go for this way of thinking. On the contrary, it(he,she) takes care well of all his(her,your) children, be children or girls, and he(she) makes sure himself(herself) that should receive the education and the medical due attention.
Jesus entrusted to Maria Magdalena the task of announcing his(her,your) resurrection to the apostles
Jesus-Yeshouah was trusting in the women. In the Jewish courts, the testimony of a woman was costing(suiting) so little as that of a slave. In fact, the historian of the 1st century Josefo was saying: " it(he,she) will not cost(be worth) the women's testimony for the own(proper) levity and recklessness of his(her,your) sex ".
Different what was the prophet of the prophets Jesus! He(it) chose women in order that they were announcing his(her,your) resurrection (Mateo 28:1, 8-10). It is interesting that, though these faithful women had attended the execution and the burial of his(her,your) Gentleman, was difficult up to(even) to the apostles to believe what they were saying (Mateo 27:55, 56, 61; Lucas 24:10, 11). Nevertheless, on having chosen as the first witnesses of his(her,your) resurrection a few women, Jesus proved(tried) that he(she) was considering them to be so worth being his(her,your) witnesses as to any other disciple (Facts 1:8, 14).
I am of benefit for the current women: The males who have responsibilities in the Christian group show his(her,your) consideration to the women bearing in mind what they have to say. The spouses, for your(his,her,their) part, honor his(her,your) wives(handcuffs) listening to them with attention (1 Pedro 3:7; Genesis 21:12).
The Biblical beginning(principles) makes the woman happier
Those who follow(continue) the Biblical beginning(principles) (The Only(Unique) holy inspired writing) respect and treat with dignity the women
Different what was the prophet of the prophets Jesus! He(it) chose women in order that they were announcing his(her,your) resurrection (Mateo 28:1, 8-10). It is interesting that, though these faithful women had attended the execution and the burial of his(her,your) Gentleman, was difficult up to(even) to the apostles to believe what they were saying (Mateo 27:55, 56, 61; Lucas 24:10, 11). Nevertheless, on having chosen as the first witnesses of his(her,your) resurrection a few women, Jesus proved(tried) that he(she) was considering them to be so worth being his(her,your) witnesses as to any other disciple (Facts 1:8, 14).
I am of benefit for the current women: The males who have responsibilities in the Christian group show his(her,your) consideration to the women bearing in mind what they have to say. The spouses, for your(his,her,their) part, honor his(her,your) wives(handcuffs) listening to them with attention (1 Pedro 3:7; Genesis 21:12).
The Biblical beginning(principles) makes the woman happier
Those who follow(continue) the Biblical beginning(principles) (The Only(Unique) holy inspired writing) respect and treat with dignity the women
Those who imitate Christ give the freedom and the respect to the woman that Jah-Alà had proposed for her(it) when it(he,she) created it (Genesis 1:27, 28). The Christian spouses do not promote attitudes machists. Rather, they guide for spiritual beginning(principles) that make happier his(her,your) wives(handcuffs) (Ephesians 5:28, 29).
When Yelena started studying the Bible, it(he,she) was suffering silently the hard and insensitive treatment(deal) of his(her,your) husband. He(it) had grown up in a violent environment, where there were common the kidnapping of the girlfriend(fiancée) and the physical mistreatment of the woman. " The Bible gave to me forces - makes clear she(it)-. I learned that there was a God who loved me indeed, it(he,she) was valuing me and was worrying for me. I realized that my husband could change if he also was studying the Holy inspired writings. " This his(your) dream finally made real when, with the time, his(her,your) husband was baptized and Christian turned in veritable. " It happened(passed) to be an example of self-control - says Yelena-. And we learned both to excuse. " She(it) recognizes the following thing: " The Biblical beginning(principles) has contributed(paid) that there feels more dear and protected in my marriage(couple) " (Colosenses 3:13, 18, 19).
Yelena's case is not an exception. There are millions of you christen as her(it) that they are happy because, together with his(her,your) spouses, they strain for applying the spiritual beginning(principles) in his(her,your) relation of pair(couple). In addition, they receive consolation and feel respected and free between(among) his(her,your) brothers in the faith (Juan 13:34, 35).
All the Christians - both men and women - recognize that they are imperfect and sinful and that they are a part(report) of the creation " submitted to the failure ". Nevertheless, they are sure of the fact that, approaching his(her,your) loving God and Father, Jah-Alà, will be liberated " of the slavery of the corruption " and will enjoy " the glorious freedom of the children of God ". What wonderful perspective for the men and women who are under Jah-Alà's affectionate care! (Romans 8:20, 21, The Bible of Our People(Village).)
When Yelena started studying the Bible, it(he,she) was suffering silently the hard and insensitive treatment(deal) of his(her,your) husband. He(it) had grown up in a violent environment, where there were common the kidnapping of the girlfriend(fiancée) and the physical mistreatment of the woman. " The Bible gave to me forces - makes clear she(it)-. I learned that there was a God who loved me indeed, it(he,she) was valuing me and was worrying for me. I realized that my husband could change if he also was studying the Holy inspired writings. " This his(your) dream finally made real when, with the time, his(her,your) husband was baptized and Christian turned in veritable. " It happened(passed) to be an example of self-control - says Yelena-. And we learned both to excuse. " She(it) recognizes the following thing: " The Biblical beginning(principles) has contributed(paid) that there feels more dear and protected in my marriage(couple) " (Colosenses 3:13, 18, 19).
Yelena's case is not an exception. There are millions of you christen as her(it) that they are happy because, together with his(her,your) spouses, they strain for applying the spiritual beginning(principles) in his(her,your) relation of pair(couple). In addition, they receive consolation and feel respected and free between(among) his(her,your) brothers in the faith (Juan 13:34, 35).
All the Christians - both men and women - recognize that they are imperfect and sinful and that they are a part(report) of the creation " submitted to the failure ". Nevertheless, they are sure of the fact that, approaching his(her,your) loving God and Father, Jah-Alà, will be liberated " of the slavery of the corruption " and will enjoy " the glorious freedom of the children of God ". What wonderful perspective for the men and women who are under Jah-Alà's affectionate care! (Romans 8:20, 21, The Bible of Our People(Village).)
The apostle Paul recommended that " the women guard [plough] silence in the groups.
" (1 Corinthians 14:34). What did want to say? Was considering he that they did not have the necessary intelligence to teach(show)? It could not be it, since often he(she) praised his(her,your) labor of evangelización (2 Timoteo 1:5; Titus 2:3-5). In one of his(her,your) letters the Corinthians, Paul advised - not only the women, but also to whom they had the gift of languages and of prophesying - that were guarding silence when I christen other one he(she) was speaking (1 Corinthians 14:26-30, 33).
*Puede that you christen some, filled with enthusiasm with what they were learning, they were interrupting the speaker to do questions, since he(she) was getting used to do in this part of the world. Because of it, in order to support the order, Paul encouraged them to " interrog [ar] to his(her,your) own(proper) spouses in house " (1 Corinthians 14:35).
Un musulman qui raisonne et réfléchit sur le vrai sens de l’islam cesse d’être musulman.
ReplyDeleteSi ces gens avaient la culture de l’amour, ils ne se tueraient pas entre eux et ne feraient pas de la mort du non-musulman un idéal pour gagner leur funeste bordel dans l’au-delà.
Quel vivre ensemble peut-on envisager avec les partisans d’une idéologie suprémaciste, liberticide, hégémonique et intolérante ?
Est-ce la faute aux détracteurs de l’islam ou la leur si l’islam a le visage de la barbarie humaine ?
On juge un arbre à ses fruits. Or, l’arbre musulman est bien loin de donner des fruits propres à la consommation humaine. Comme si on avait planté un arbre fruitier sur un site contaminé. Ils se plaignent de l’hostilité grandissante à l’égard de leur religion (qui s’apparente à la famille du bolchevisme et du nazisme), mais à supposer qu’elle subisse cette hostilité, pourquoi se montre-t-elle si agressive, arrogante, exhibitionniste, violente, terrifiante, envahissante, expansionniste ? Pourquoi ses membres s’illustrent-ils par les transgressions des lois de leurs pays d’accueil ?
Que les musulmans apprennent à regarder la réalité en face et cessent de crier au complot contre l’islam – le seul complot est celui orchestré par l’islam depuis son avènement. Des rivières de sang et des centaines de millions de vies humaines fauchées sur son chemin.
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