How we can know the truth does it bring over of God?
What example does help to see the need to have a norm to decide about religious matter? HOW can we know God? Is it necessary to examine all the educations of many religions that exist? It(he,she) would be impossible. And even if we were achieving it, how would you know what educations are real? 2 In view of all the concepts that exist it(he,she) brings over of God, it is clear that we need something that indicates us what is true, a norm that the whole people agree. Let's put an example: let's suppose that a discussion arises on the market on the length of a fabric. The seller assures that it(he,she) has three meters, but it seems to the buyer that it(she) is more short. How can disagreement be solved? Measuring the fabric with a meter(underground). Why did one write the Bible? 3 does some meter(underground) exist, that is to say, some rule, which helps us to decide about religious matter? Yes, Holy inspired writings. God did that he(she) was writing himself(herself) in order that everywhere the people could learn the truth it(he,she) brings over of him(it). There have been printed thousands of million copies(specimens) of the Bible, and it has been translated, in its entirety or partly, into more than two thousand hundred languages. Practically the whole world can read the truth brings over of God in his(her,your) own(proper) language. What information does contain the Holy writings, (Bible)? 4 Holy inspired writings it is a God's valuable gift. It(he,she) explains matters that we would not know differently. For example, he(she) speaks about the beings who live(inhabit) in the world of the spirits. It(he,she) reveals the God's thoughts, his(her,your) personality and his(her,your) intention. It(he,she) reports the relation that has had with the people during thousands of years. He(she) speaks about events that will take place in the future. And it(he,she) shows how to find the way to the eternal life. Why we can believe in the Bible What example does it(he,she) indicate that the Holy inspired writings it(he,she) agrees with the science? 5 There are many reasons for which we can think that the Bible is indeed the God's Word. One of them is that it(he,she) agrees with the science. For example, former the people were thinking that the Earth was supporting on something. In western Africa one was thinking that the Earth was supported on a screwed on serpent, with 3.500 rings over the Earth and other 3.500 for below. Nevertheless, a Biblical writer wrote it(he,she) does more than three thousand five hundred years that God is " hanging the land on nothing ", and this also it says the science (Job 26:7). Which is the firmest test(proof) that the Bible comes from God? 6 The firmest test(proof) that the Holy inspired writings (Bible) really it(he,she) comes from God is the fulfillment of his(her,your) predictions, a fulfillment that never fails. God belongs different from the human beings who affirm to know what is going to happen(pass); he(it) yes knows the future, and because of it what he(she) says is fulfilled always Which are some Biblical prophecies that were fulfilled in the past? 7 In the antiquity(antique) there were fulfilled hundreds of Biblical prophecies. For example, with seven hundred years of anticipation, the Bible predicted with accuracy that Jesus would be born in the people(village) of Bethlehem, and this way it happened (Miqueas 5:2; Mateo 2:3-9). Between(among) many other prophecies it(he,she) brings over of Jesus, the Bible also predicted that it(he,she) would be born of a virgin and that she would be betrayed by thirty pieces of silver. The above mentioned prophecies also were fulfilled. It is clear that no human being might have done these predictions (Isaías 7:14; Zacarías 11:12, 13; Mateo 1:22, 23; 27:3-5). What Biblical prophecies are fulfilled at present, and what do they demonstrate? 8 There are many Biblical prophecies that are fulfilled in our time. Here there appear some of them: ? " It(He,She) will get up [in war] nation against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be big earthquakes, and in a place after other one pests and food shortages. " (Lucas 21:10, 11.) ? There would be a " increase of the outrage " (Mateo 24:12). ? " In the last days [...] the men will be loving of yes same, lovers of the money, [...] disobedient to the parents, [...] without self-control, ferocious, without love of the good, [...] swelled of pride, lovers of pleasures rather that loving of God. " (2 Timoteo 3:1-5.) Does not it seem to him(her) that in our time these things happen? The veracity and the accuracy of the Biblical prophecies show that the Bible is not a common and current book. It is the Word inspired of God (2 Timoteo 3:16). Has Bible been changed? How do we know that God has not allowed that the men should change the Bible? 9 Imagine that you are the owner of a factory and that it(he,she) has put a list of procedure for his(her,your) employees. What would it(he,she) do if an enemy was changing what you have written? Would not he(she) correct what had changed? Since God does not allow either that the people should change the truth of his(her,your) Word, the Bible. 10 Those who have tried to change the educations of the God's Word have not achieved it. On having compared the Bible that we have today with ancient copies of her(it), one sees that they are equal. It shows that it has not been changed by the passage of time. Is oral tradition reliable? The traditional African religion has not sacred ancient books. The traditions, the rites and the ideas it(he,she) brings over of God they pass from a generation to other one across the spoken word. The book West African Traditional Religion (The traditional religion of western Africa) affirms: " The oral information is not the best way of transmitting exact information. The statements that are transmitted orally often suffer changes: there are things that are added, they remove themselves, are modified, are distorted, are exaggerated or get confused with others; because of it it(he) is in the habit of being complicated separating the reality of the fiction ".
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