Exodus 20:1-25
20 And God proceeded to speak all these words, * saying: + 2 " I am Jehová your God, * + that I you have extracted of the land of Egypt, of the slaves' house. + 3 you must not have other gods * + against my face *
4 " you must do to you either a carved image nor a form similar to any thing that is in the skies above(up) or that is in the land below or that is in the waters under the land. + 5 you must neither incline yourself before them them nor to be induced to serve, * + because I Jehová your God am a God who demands exclusive devotion, * + that brings punishment for the mistake of parents on children, on the third generation and on the fourth generation, * in case of those who hate me; + 6 but that exercises kindness amorosa* for with the thousandth one generación* in case of those who me love and guard my mandamientos. * +
7 " you do not owe tomar* Jehová's name your God of an unworthy way, * + because Jehová will not leave without punishment the one that takes his(her,your) name of an unworthy way. +
8 " Acordándo [you] * of the Saturday day to have it sacred, + 9 six days you have to be big enough servicio* and have to do all your work. + 10 But the seventh day is one sábado* to Jehová your God. + you must do any work, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, (nor) your slave, nor your slave, nor your domestic animal, nor your foreign resident who is inside your doors. + 11 Because in six days it(he,she) made Jehová the skies and the land, the sea and everything what exists in them, + and proceeded to descansar* on the seventh day. + Because of it Jehová blessed on Saturday day and proceeded to do it sagrado. * +
12 " Honra* to your father and to your mother + in order that your days turn out to be long on the soil that Jehová your God gives you. +
13 " you have not to asesinar. * +
14 " you must not commit adulterio. * +
15 " you have not to hurtar. * +
16 " you must not give testimony falsely as witness against your semejante. * +
17 " you do not owe desear* the house of your similar one. You must wish the wife + either of your similar one, nor his(her,your) slave, nor his(her,your) slave, nor his(her,your) bull, nor his(her,your) jackass, nor any thing that belongs(concerns) to your similar one ". * +
18 Now then, the whole people(village) was viendo* the thunders and the lightnings and the sound of the horn and the mountain that was smoking. When the people(village) managed to see it, then they trembled and were kept to certain distance. + 19 And they started saying to Moses: " He(She) Speaks you with us, and we should listen; but God does not speak with us, for dread of that we die ". + 20 So Moses said to the people(village): " do not be afraid, because in order to test them + the [real] God has come, and in order that the dread of he(it) should continue in front of the face of you in order that they do not sin ". + 21 And the people(village) remained to some distance, but Moses approached the dark mass of clouds where the [real] God was. +
22 And Jehová happened(passed) to say to Moses: + " This is what you have to say to the children of Israel: ' You themselves have seen that was from the skies from where I spoke with you. + 23 must not do near with me dioses* of silver, and golden gods must not do for you. +24 An altar of land + you have to do me, and have to sacrifice on him(it) your burnt offerings and your sacrifices of communion, * your flock(herd) and your herd of cows. + In any place where I make remember(remind) my name, I will come to you and certainly I will bless you. + 25 And if you do an altar of stones to me, you must not build them as carved(tooled) stones. In case really soft(smooth) your chisel on him(it), at the time you will profane it
20 And God proceeded to speak all these words, * saying: + 2 " I am Jehová your God, * + that I you have extracted of the land of Egypt, of the slaves' house. + 3 you must not have other gods * + against my face *
4 " you must do to you either a carved image nor a form similar to any thing that is in the skies above(up) or that is in the land below or that is in the waters under the land. + 5 you must neither incline yourself before them them nor to be induced to serve, * + because I Jehová your God am a God who demands exclusive devotion, * + that brings punishment for the mistake of parents on children, on the third generation and on the fourth generation, * in case of those who hate me; + 6 but that exercises kindness amorosa* for with the thousandth one generación* in case of those who me love and guard my mandamientos. * +
7 " you do not owe tomar* Jehová's name your God of an unworthy way, * + because Jehová will not leave without punishment the one that takes his(her,your) name of an unworthy way. +
8 " Acordándo [you] * of the Saturday day to have it sacred, + 9 six days you have to be big enough servicio* and have to do all your work. + 10 But the seventh day is one sábado* to Jehová your God. + you must do any work, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, (nor) your slave, nor your slave, nor your domestic animal, nor your foreign resident who is inside your doors. + 11 Because in six days it(he,she) made Jehová the skies and the land, the sea and everything what exists in them, + and proceeded to descansar* on the seventh day. + Because of it Jehová blessed on Saturday day and proceeded to do it sagrado. * +
12 " Honra* to your father and to your mother + in order that your days turn out to be long on the soil that Jehová your God gives you. +
13 " you have not to asesinar. * +
14 " you must not commit adulterio. * +
15 " you have not to hurtar. * +
16 " you must not give testimony falsely as witness against your semejante. * +
17 " you do not owe desear* the house of your similar one. You must wish the wife + either of your similar one, nor his(her,your) slave, nor his(her,your) slave, nor his(her,your) bull, nor his(her,your) jackass, nor any thing that belongs(concerns) to your similar one ". * +
18 Now then, the whole people(village) was viendo* the thunders and the lightnings and the sound of the horn and the mountain that was smoking. When the people(village) managed to see it, then they trembled and were kept to certain distance. + 19 And they started saying to Moses: " He(She) Speaks you with us, and we should listen; but God does not speak with us, for dread of that we die ". + 20 So Moses said to the people(village): " do not be afraid, because in order to test them + the [real] God has come, and in order that the dread of he(it) should continue in front of the face of you in order that they do not sin ". + 21 And the people(village) remained to some distance, but Moses approached the dark mass of clouds where the [real] God was. +
22 And Jehová happened(passed) to say to Moses: + " This is what you have to say to the children of Israel: ' You themselves have seen that was from the skies from where I spoke with you. + 23 must not do near with me dioses* of silver, and golden gods must not do for you. +24 An altar of land + you have to do me, and have to sacrifice on him(it) your burnt offerings and your sacrifices of communion, * your flock(herd) and your herd of cows. + In any place where I make remember(remind) my name, I will come to you and certainly I will bless you. + 25 And if you do an altar of stones to me, you must not build them as carved(tooled) stones. In case really soft(smooth) your chisel on him(it), at the time you will profane it
- Haîne des juifs, haîne des femmes.
ReplyDeleteAbu Huraira rapporte que le Prophète a dit : "S'il n'y avait pas eu les Banû Israël, la viande ne pourrirait pas ; et s'il n'y avait pas eu Ève, aucune femme ne trahirait son époux." (source)
Publié par kh@led
Ils ne disent que des betises, evidemment que si il n´y aurait pas eu Eve, qu´aucunes femmes n´aurait trahis leurs époux , car il n´y aurait jamais eu d´humanité, c´est quand même pas difficile a comprendre. pour mieux comprendre et vous défendre des argumentations infondés des inquisiteurs, fachistes et Babyloniens du 21ieme siècle. Para comprender mejor y defenderte de las argumentaciones infundadas de los inquisitores ,fascistas y Babylonios del siglo 21.