Marcus Kalisch (1828-1885), Jewish commentator, wrote: " Ebn Ezra [famous Spanish rabbi, 1092-1167] expressed with clarity the same opinion when he(she) said: ' We Have two evenings; the first one is when it(he,she) puts on the Sun [...], and the second one, when the light stops being reflected in the clouds; between these two evenings it(he,she) is an approximate period of an hour(o'clock) and twenty minutes '. This explanation, which seems to be the most logical interpretation, also she(it) is given by the caraítas, the Samaritans and different many(many people) ". In addition, the point of view of which the lamb was sacrificing itself to the beginning of 14 of nisán agrees with the mandate that was given to the Israelites. In Deuteronomy 16:6 we read: " you Must sacrifice the pascua in the evening, then that puts on the Sun, to the notable time of your exit of Egypt " (Éx. 30:8; Núm. 9:3-5, 11).
" It has to use them as memory "
" This day has to use them as memory, and they it have to celebrate as holiday to Jehovah. " (ÉX. 12:14)
" This day has to use them as memory(report), and they it have to celebrate as holiday(party) to Jehová. " (ÉX. 12:14)
WHEN he(she) thinks about an anniversary, which does him(her) come to the head? Married someone could say that his(her,your) anniversary of wedding, whereas other persons maybe should think in the date of some historical event, as the day in that his(her,your) country obtained the independence. But you know that there is a national anniversary that goes being celebrated more than three thousand five hundred years?
2 We refer to the Easter. Though this celebration commemorates the liberation of the former Israel of the slavery in Egypt, the truth is that there has much that to see with us. Clear, it is possible that you say: " The Jews celebrate the Easter, but I am Christian, not Jew. Why should it(he,she) interest me? ". The response is situated in this declaration full of meaning: " Christ our pascua has been sacrificed " (1 Cor. 5:7). In order to catch the importance of this declaration, let's examine the Jewish Easter and let's see how it(he,she) relates to a mandate that was given to all the Christians.
WHEN he(she) thinks about an anniversary, which does him(her) come to the head? Married someone could say that his(her,your) anniversary of wedding, whereas other persons maybe should think in the date of some historical event, as the day in that his(her,your) country obtained the independence. But you know that there is a national anniversary that goes being celebrated more than three thousand five hundred years?
2 We refer to the Easter. Though this celebration commemorates the liberation of the former Israel of the slavery in Egypt, the truth is that there has much that to see with us. Clear, it is possible that you say: " The Jews celebrate the Easter, but I am Christian, not Jew. Why should it(he,she) interest me? ". The response is situated in this declaration full of meaning: " Christ our pascua has been sacrificed " (1 Cor. 5:7). In order to catch the importance of this declaration, let's examine the Jewish Easter and let's see how it(he,she) relates to a mandate that was given to all the Christians.
THE ORIGIN OF THE EASTER 3 Millions of human beings of the whole planet who are not Jewish know something of the events that led to the celebration of the first Easter. Probably they have read the statement in the Biblical book of Exodus, someone has told it to him(you,them) or they have seen some movie on the topic. Do you remember(remind) what happened?
4 The Israelites were going many years being slaves in Egypt when Jah-Alà sent Moses and Aarón to asking the Pharaoh to liberate them. That proud leader refused, so Jah-Alà throbbed to the country with 10 terrible plagues. After the last one, in which the first-born ones of Egypt died, the Pharaoh finally stopped to go to the village of God (Éx. 1:11; 3:9, 10; 5:1, 2; 11:1, 5).
5 But what had they to make the Israelites before working out free? It was an approximately the time of the spring equinox (about March 21) of the year 1513 before our age, in the Hebrew month of abib, later called nisán. * God declared that on the 10th the Israelites had to start preparing what they would have to make 14 of nisán. The Hebrew days were spreading from a putting of the Sol up to the following one. Well then, when the 14th comes, every family should destroy a sheep (or a goat) macho and to spray with a bit with his(her,your) blood the frame of the door of the house (Éx. 12:3-7, 22, 23). Later they would sup on roast lamb, bread without yeast and any grasses(herbs). The God's angel would cross the whole Egypt killing the first-born ones, but the obedient Israelites would be protected. Then they would work out free (Éx. 12:8-13, 29-32).
6 This way he was like the Israelites they were liberated, and God sent them to remember(remind) that event in the years for coming. He(she) said to them: " This day has to use them as memory(report), and they it have to celebrate as holiday(party) to Jah-Alà during all his(her,your) generations. Since(as) statute up to indefinite time they must celebrate it ". To the celebration of the 14th it(he,she) had to follow(continue) a holiday(party) of seven days of duration. The Easter in yes was 14 of nisán, but this name also was applied to the whole festive period of eight days (Éx. 12:14-17; Luc. 22:1; Juan 18:28; 19:14). The Easter was one of the holidays(parties) designated (" annual holidays(parties) ", according to the New International Version) that the Hebrew people(village) had to celebrate every year (2 Crón. 8:13).
4 The Israelites were going many years being slaves in Egypt when Jah-Alà sent Moses and Aarón to asking the Pharaoh to liberate them. That proud leader refused, so Jah-Alà throbbed to the country with 10 terrible plagues. After the last one, in which the first-born ones of Egypt died, the Pharaoh finally stopped to go to the village of God (Éx. 1:11; 3:9, 10; 5:1, 2; 11:1, 5).
5 But what had they to make the Israelites before working out free? It was an approximately the time of the spring equinox (about March 21) of the year 1513 before our age, in the Hebrew month of abib, later called nisán. * God declared that on the 10th the Israelites had to start preparing what they would have to make 14 of nisán. The Hebrew days were spreading from a putting of the Sol up to the following one. Well then, when the 14th comes, every family should destroy a sheep (or a goat) macho and to spray with a bit with his(her,your) blood the frame of the door of the house (Éx. 12:3-7, 22, 23). Later they would sup on roast lamb, bread without yeast and any grasses(herbs). The God's angel would cross the whole Egypt killing the first-born ones, but the obedient Israelites would be protected. Then they would work out free (Éx. 12:8-13, 29-32).
6 This way he was like the Israelites they were liberated, and God sent them to remember(remind) that event in the years for coming. He(she) said to them: " This day has to use them as memory(report), and they it have to celebrate as holiday(party) to Jah-Alà during all his(her,your) generations. Since(as) statute up to indefinite time they must celebrate it ". To the celebration of the 14th it(he,she) had to follow(continue) a holiday(party) of seven days of duration. The Easter in yes was 14 of nisán, but this name also was applied to the whole festive period of eight days (Éx. 12:14-17; Luc. 22:1; Juan 18:28; 19:14). The Easter was one of the holidays(parties) designated (" annual holidays(parties) ", according to the New International Version) that the Hebrew people(village) had to celebrate every year (2 Crón. 8:13).
7 Jesus and his(her,your) apostles were Jewish and were situated under the law of Moses, so every year they were celebrating the Easter (Mat. 26:17-19). The last time that they it did, Jesus instituted a new celebration that his(her,your) disciples should guard from then every year: the Dinner of the Gentlem. But in what day would they have to celebrate it?
8 Since Jesus the prophet of the prophets instituted the Dinner of the Gentleman just after celebrating the Easter, this new celebration would coincide with the day of the Easter. Nevertheless, it is possible that it(he,she) is one or more days of difference between the day that some modern calendars indicate as that of the Jewish Easter and the day in which we commemorate Christ's death. To what does this difference owe? Partly, the response is in the mandate that God gave to them the Israelites. Immediately after saying to them that " the whole congregation of Israel deb's assembly [ía] to destroy it "-refiriéndose to the lamb-, Moses specified in what moment of the 14th of nisán they had to do it (Exodus reads 12:5, 6).
9 The Bible of Was Covering, a former Jewish version, it(he,she) indicates enÉxodo 12:6 that the lamb had to behead " between the evenings ". With her(it) there agree diverse versions, which use the expression " between two evenings ". The translation of the rabbi Marcos Edery spills it " towards the evening twilight ". Other versions use such solutions as(like) " to the dusk ", "at sunset" and " on having fallen down the night ". This way so(then), the lamb must be destroyed after putting on the Sun but while still(yet) there was clarity, to the beginning of 14 of nisán.
8 Since Jesus the prophet of the prophets instituted the Dinner of the Gentleman just after celebrating the Easter, this new celebration would coincide with the day of the Easter. Nevertheless, it is possible that it(he,she) is one or more days of difference between the day that some modern calendars indicate as that of the Jewish Easter and the day in which we commemorate Christ's death. To what does this difference owe? Partly, the response is in the mandate that God gave to them the Israelites. Immediately after saying to them that " the whole congregation of Israel deb's assembly [ía] to destroy it "-refiriéndose to the lamb-, Moses specified in what moment of the 14th of nisán they had to do it (Exodus reads 12:5, 6).
9 The Bible of Was Covering, a former Jewish version, it(he,she) indicates enÉxodo 12:6 that the lamb had to behead " between the evenings ". With her(it) there agree diverse versions, which use the expression " between two evenings ". The translation of the rabbi Marcos Edery spills it " towards the evening twilight ". Other versions use such solutions as(like) " to the dusk ", "at sunset" and " on having fallen down the night ". This way so(then), the lamb must be destroyed after putting on the Sun but while still(yet) there was clarity, to the beginning of 14 of nisán.
10 Later, some Jews thought that to destroy all the lambs that were removing to the temple should have taken several hours. Because of it they were thinking that Exodus 12:6 was referring at the end of 14 of nisán, between(among) the moment in which the Sun began to descend (after the midday) and the end of the day (to the putting of the Sol). If this out the correct meaning, when would dinner have taken place? The teacher Jonathan Klawans, specialist in ancient Judaism, indicated: " The new day begins with the putting of the Sol. Because of it, though the sacrifice on the 14th, actually(indeed) the beginning of the Easter and the food 15 take place. Nevertheless, this sequence of dates is not specified in Exodus ". Also it(he,she) admitted: " The rabbinical works [...] They do not even try to say to us how there was celebrated the Seder [Easter food] before the destruction of the Temple " happened in the year 70 of our age 11 In view of all that, when there was celebrated the Easter of the year 33 of our age? Well then, 13 of nisán, on having approached the day " in that the victim of the pascua (was necessary) to sacrifice ", Christ the prophet of the prophets they said to Pedro and to Juan: " Go and prepare the pascua in order that we eat it " (Luc. 22:7, 8). " To the end(purpose) [...] The hour(o'clock) came " from the Easter dinner, a Thursday night, after the putting of the Sol with the one that began 14 of nisán. Jesus the important mas of all the prophets had that food with his(her,your) apostles and, later, it(he,she) instituted the Dinner of the Gentleman (Luc. 22:14, 15). This night was arrested and court. About the midday of 14 of nisán was hung on the log, and this evening it(he,she) expired(died) (Juan 19:14). So that " Cristonuestra pascua (was) sacrificed " the same day that destroyed the Easter lamb (1 Cor. 5:7; 11:23; Mat. 26:2). Finally, it(he) was buried towards the end of this Jewish day, before it(he,she) began 15 of nisán (Lev. 23:5-7; Luc. 23:54). *
AN IMPORTANT COMMEMORATION FOR YOU 12 But let's return to the events that took place in Egypt. Moses said that the people(village) of God had to celebrate the Easter " up to indefinite time ". In this annual celebration, the children would do questions on what it(he,she) was meaning that one (read Exodus 12:24-27; Deut. 6:20-23). Consequently, the Easter might " use as memory(report) " even the children (Éx. 12:14).
13 The new generations would learn important lessons, which would be transmitted from parents to children. One of them would be that Jah-Alà protects his(her,your) serfs. The children would learn that he is not an abstract and distant, but alive(vivacious) and royal(real) God, who is interested for his(her,your) people(village) and intervenes in his(her,your) favor, since it(he,she) demonstrated it on having kept the first-born Israelites alive " when it(he,she) infected the Egyptians ".
14 Today, the parents veritables Christian do not have the obligation to they be reported every year to his(her,your) children by the history of that Easter. Nevertheless, do you teach(show) to his(her,your) children the lesson that you enclose, that God is the Protector of his(her,your) people(village)? Do they perceive that it(he) is be deeply sure that Jah-Alà continues protecting his(her,your) serfs? (Go out. 27:11; Is. 12:2.) ¿ and this lesson inculcates them, not giving them a speech, but conversing amicably? Thereby it(he,she) will help them to trust more in Jah-Allah.
13 The new generations would learn important lessons, which would be transmitted from parents to children. One of them would be that Jah-Alà protects his(her,your) serfs. The children would learn that he is not an abstract and distant, but alive(vivacious) and royal(real) God, who is interested for his(her,your) people(village) and intervenes in his(her,your) favor, since it(he,she) demonstrated it on having kept the first-born Israelites alive " when it(he,she) infected the Egyptians ".
14 Today, the parents veritables Christian do not have the obligation to they be reported every year to his(her,your) children by the history of that Easter. Nevertheless, do you teach(show) to his(her,your) children the lesson that you enclose, that God is the Protector of his(her,your) people(village)? Do they perceive that it(he) is be deeply sure that Jah-Alà continues protecting his(her,your) serfs? (Go out. 27:11; Is. 12:2.) ¿ and this lesson inculcates them, not giving them a speech, but conversing amicably? Thereby it(he,she) will help them to trust more in Jah-Allah.
15 We have seen that Jah-Alà protects his(her,your) serfs, but this one is not the only(unique) lesson that teaches(shows) the statement of the Easter to us. He(it) also liberates them. Think in what the Israelites lived when " it(he,she) extracted [...] of Egypt ". A column of cloud and of fire guided them. They walked on the bed of the Red sea between(among) two enormous walls of water. Once to except in another shore, they saw these walls to collapse on the Egyptian army. Finally they were free! Then they exclaimed been grateful: " I Sing to Jehová [...]. It(he,she) has thrown(launched) the horse and his(her,your) rider in the sea. My force and my power is Jah, since he(it) serves for my salvation " (Éx. 13:14, 21, 22; 15:1, 2; Go out. 136:11-15).
16 you does it(he,she) help to his(her,your) children to trust that Jah-Alà is nuestroLibertador? Does it(he,she) demonstrate them for his(her,your) conversations and decisions that it(he) is sure of it? Why it(he,she) does not include in his(her,your) Night of Adoration in Family the reading of the chapters 12 to 15 of Exodus and highlights how it(he,she) liberated Jah-Alà to his(her,your) village? In other studies of family it(he,she) might stress the same truth analyzing passages(tickets) as Facts 7:30-36 or Daniel 3:16-18, 26-28. Let's be young or major, we all must trust without reservations(reserves) that, like Jah-Alà liberated his(her,your) people(village) in the days of Moses, also it(he,she) will liberate his(her) us in the future (lea1 Tesalonicenses 1:9, 10).
16 you does it(he,she) help to his(her,your) children to trust that Jah-Alà is nuestroLibertador? Does it(he,she) demonstrate them for his(her,your) conversations and decisions that it(he) is sure of it? Why it(he,she) does not include in his(her,your) Night of Adoration in Family the reading of the chapters 12 to 15 of Exodus and highlights how it(he,she) liberated Jah-Alà to his(her,your) village? In other studies of family it(he,she) might stress the same truth analyzing passages(tickets) as Facts 7:30-36 or Daniel 3:16-18, 26-28. Let's be young or major, we all must trust without reservations(reserves) that, like Jah-Alà liberated his(her,your) people(village) in the days of Moses, also it(he,she) will liberate his(her) us in the future (lea1 Tesalonicenses 1:9, 10).
17 The real Christians we do not celebrate the Jewish Easter. This anniversary was a part(report) of the Mosaic Law, and we are not under her(it) (Rom. 10:4; Cabbage. 2:13-16). We commemorate another event: the death of the cousin created of God. Even this way, we can learn much of some aspects of that Easter that was instituted in Egypt.
18 The blood of the lamb, with which there were sprayed the posts and the lintel of the doors of the houses, was the way to save the life of the first-born Israelites. Nowadays we him(her) do not sacrifice animals to God, not in the date of the Easter not in no(any) other. But there is a sacrifice of major value that gives us the possibility of living forever. When the apostle Paul wrote on " the congregation of the first-born ones that have been registered in the skies ", it(he,she) clarified that the way for which these Christian anointed veritables can live forever is " the blood of the sprinkling ", Jesus' blood the big mas prophet (Heb. 12:23, 24). The Christian veritables that shelter the hope to live eternally in the Earth depend on the same blood for his(her,your) salvation. Therefore, we all us must remember(remind) that " by means of [Jesus the prophet] we take the liberation as a rescue by means of the blood of this, yes, the pardon of our offenses, according to the wealths(richnesses) of his(her,your) undeserved kindness " (Efes. 1:7).
18 The blood of the lamb, with which there were sprayed the posts and the lintel of the doors of the houses, was the way to save the life of the first-born Israelites. Nowadays we him(her) do not sacrifice animals to God, not in the date of the Easter not in no(any) other. But there is a sacrifice of major value that gives us the possibility of living forever. When the apostle Paul wrote on " the congregation of the first-born ones that have been registered in the skies ", it(he,she) clarified that the way for which these Christian anointed veritables can live forever is " the blood of the sprinkling ", Jesus' blood the big mas prophet (Heb. 12:23, 24). The Christian veritables that shelter the hope to live eternally in the Earth depend on the same blood for his(her,your) salvation. Therefore, we all us must remember(remind) that " by means of [Jesus the prophet] we take the liberation as a rescue by means of the blood of this, yes, the pardon of our offenses, according to the wealths(richnesses) of his(her,your) undeserved kindness " (Efes. 1:7).
19 The Israelites did not have to break any bone to the Easter lamb (Éx. 12:46; Núm. 9:11, 12). What has to see this with Jesus the prophet of the prophets, " the God's Lamb ", which came to give his(her,your) life to rescue ourselves? (Juan 1:29.) He(It) was hung on a log by a criminal to every side. The Jews asked Pilato to the three the legs to break to accelerate his(her,your) death and to prevent them from hanging until the 15th of nisán, that was a Saturday for double entry. The soldiers did it to both criminals, " but on having come to Jesus, since they saw that already it(he) was dead, the legs did not break him " (Juan 19:31-34). It corresponded(fitted) with what was done by the Easter lamb; so, in this sense, that lamb was " a shade " of the things that were going to happen 14 of nisán of the year 33 (Heb. 10:1). In addition, those events fulfilled the words of Psalm 34:20, which strengthens our confidence in the Biblical prophecies.
20 But between(among) the Easter and the Dinner of the Gentleman there are some differences. The Easter that the Jews had to celebrate did not prefigure what Christ the archangel ordered to do his(her,your) disciples to remember(remind) his(her,your) death. In Egypt, the Israelites ate the meat of the lamb, but they did not drink the blood. It differs of what Jesus the second being mas powerful of the creation gave the orders to do his(her,your) disciples. He said to them that those who should to reign " in the God's kingdom " not only had to eat the bread but also drink the wine, and these would be symbols of his(her,your) meat and his(her,your) blood. (Sea. 14:22-25).
21 Undoubtedly, the Easter was a very important event in the history of the people(village) of God. And though it(he,she) was to the Jews whom it(he,she) had to " use as memory(report) ", the Christian veritables we should acquaint ourselves with her(it) to benefit from the instructive lessons that it(he,she) contains as part(report) of " any Writing [...] inspired of God " (2 Tim. 3:16).
20 But between(among) the Easter and the Dinner of the Gentleman there are some differences. The Easter that the Jews had to celebrate did not prefigure what Christ the archangel ordered to do his(her,your) disciples to remember(remind) his(her,your) death. In Egypt, the Israelites ate the meat of the lamb, but they did not drink the blood. It differs of what Jesus the second being mas powerful of the creation gave the orders to do his(her,your) disciples. He said to them that those who should to reign " in the God's kingdom " not only had to eat the bread but also drink the wine, and these would be symbols of his(her,your) meat and his(her,your) blood. (Sea. 14:22-25).
21 Undoubtedly, the Easter was a very important event in the history of the people(village) of God. And though it(he,she) was to the Jews whom it(he,she) had to " use as memory(report) ", the Christian veritables we should acquaint ourselves with her(it) to benefit from the instructive lessons that it(he,she) contains as part(report) of " any Writing [...] inspired of God " (2 Tim. 3:16).
Marcus Kalisch (1828-1885), Jewish commentator, wrote: " Ebn Ezra [famous Spanish rabbi, 1092-1167] expressed with clarity the same opinion when he(she) said: ' We Have two evenings; the first one is when it(he,she) puts on the Sun [...], and the second one, when the light stops being reflected in the clouds; between these two evenings it(he,she) is an approximate period of an hour(o'clock) and twenty minutes '. This explanation, which seems to be the most logical interpretation, also she(it) is given by the caraítas, the Samaritans and different many(many people) ". In addition, the point of view of which the lamb was sacrificing itself to the beginning of 14 of nisán agrees with the mandate that was given to the Israelites. In Deuteronomy 16:6 we read: " you Must sacrifice the pascua in the evening, then that puts on the Sun, to the notable time of your exit of Egypt " (Éx. 30:8; Núm. 9:3-5, 11).
Ce qui compte et fait loi, c´est ce que Dieu dit.
ReplyDeleteLe reste ne sont que des paroles d´hommes.
Qui sont donc les hommes ?
Tous les humains sous le soleil.
Et leurs paroles n´ont de valeurs que quand ils respectent ses commandements.
Qui est Dieu ?
Jehovah, Jah-Allah le Dieu du judaisme (TORAH), des chrétiens non associateurs et des musulmans comme décrit dans le coran en sourate 2 aleyas 136 la vache, l´ unique Dieu, véritable, vivant et qui a du pouvoir
pour mieux comprendre et vous défendre des argumentations infondés des inquisiteurs, fachistes et Babyloniens du 21ieme siècle.
Para comprender mejor y defenderte de las argumentaciones infundadas de los inquisitores, fascistas y Babylonios del siglo 21.
To better undersnd and respond more efficiently these allegations as baseless of the inquisitors, fachistes and babyloners of the 21 century
Exactement, la Noel tout le monde sait que ce n´est pas une fete divine, tout comme ne le sont pas le ramadan et les fetes de íslamique, c est ce qu ils ne leurs disent pas, tout ce qu ils apprennent est toujours pour dénigrer les Juifs, Chrétiens et non musulmans afin de glorifier l islam par le dénigrement inintelligent pour cacher la vérité à propos de l unique Dieu, véritable, vivant, et qui a du pouvoir Jehovah, Jah-Allah, sa disposition et son royaume afin que des hommes puissent dominer le monde, mais sachez ceci, aucuns royaume ou sisteme humain n´apporte le bonheur parmis tous les humains, uniquement la misère et malheurs depuis des millénaires, seul Jah-Allah l apportera, le Dieu de la Thora.
ReplyDeleteExactly, Noel everybody knows that this is not a divine feast, just as Ramadan and the feasts of Islam are not, it is what they do not tell them, everything they learn is always for Denigrate Jews, Christians and non-Muslims in order to glorify Islam by unintelligent denigration to hide the truth about the one true, living God, who has power Jehovah, Jah-Allah, his disposition and his kingdom so that Of men can dominate the world, but know this, no kingdom or human sistem brings happiness among all humans, only misery and misfortunes for millennia, only Jah-Allah will bring, the God of the Torah.
Exactamente, Noel todo el mundo sabe que esto no es una fiesta divina, igual que el ramadán y festivales islámicos, es lo que no les dicen, todo lo que aprenden es siempre denigrar a los judíos, los cristianos y los no musulmanes para glorificar al Islam por el uso intensivo y no inteligente del odio para ocultar la verdad sobre el Dios único, vivo y verdadero, y que tiene poder Jehová, Jah-Allah su disposición y su reino, para que los hombres pueden dominar el mundo, pero saber esto, ningún reinos o sistemas humanos trae felicidad entre todos los seres humanos, solamente la miseria y la desgracia durante miles de años, sólo Jehová, Jah-Allah lo traerá, el Dios de la Torá.!AnBUFXYzlC0Og-93oiITJ1s0Su4NYw?e=dEzGHB
Maryam=Marie mere de Jesus expliqué dans le coran ou 1000 ans d´erreurs coranique
Pourquoi la Belgique ne peut pas etre muslumane.pptx
Razonamientos con el Coran im.pptx pour mieux comprendre et vous défendre des argumentations infondés des inquisiteurs, fachistes et Babyloniens du 21ieme siècle. Para comprender mejor y defenderte de las argumentaciones infundadas de los inquisitores ,fascistas y Babylonios del siglo 21.
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Bible TNM son exactitude scientifique et coran ses erreurs et fables^.pptx